
January 17, 2012 @ (Clear Lake,Houston TX.)

Tags: Boys

I had a boyfriend who ran cross-country and I thought that was really cool. Dougan and I were all-out dating.... we held hands and gave each other hugs everyday. He was sweet, kind, funny, and strong. On January 13th he broke up with me..



Comment on this breakup

T Martin

January 20, 2012

Texas girls are HOT. Dont worry, guys are like busses, there will be a new one along every couple of minutes and if not, hell, MARRY ME,, lol I love Texas girls!



January 19, 2012

lol i just realized what it sounded like when i said "we connected in so many ways" har-har lol



January 19, 2012

im so sorry.... same thing happened to me and my ex. sean and i were like amazing.. we connected in so many ways.we were like in sync and then all of the sudden we broke up December 30 was so surprising i didnt know what to say.. he broke up with me..i still dont understand what happened...was your break up similar in a way that it just left you hanging like mine did?


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