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281 Results For 'talking'


January 22, 2015 @ (Michigan)

Tags: bad breakup breakups sad depressed#miss fat god love sadness cheated cheater cheatedon bae bay babe happy funny guys girls emo scene emo scene hair

July 9, 2013. the best day I've ever lived. I remember it so clearly. the day we met in person. the day we kissed. he was, and still is, the best person I've met. but I've learned a lot about great people since I met him. I learned that no one is all around perfect. he was like.. a sociopath. he always pretended to be completely faithful. I knew so much about him, even though I pretended not to. I knew in my heart that he was a sociopath. I guess I never put the pieces together.
more towards the end of us, I began to be very depressed. he said he just wanted me to be happy. but I think what he really wanted.. was for me to leave him alone. I was scared. I was scared that other girls were better than myself. he knew this about me.
so, we argued very much. one day we argued and he decided to "break up" with me, which was something that started happening recently. we would break up and get back together a few minutes later. this time though, he took it a step further. he talked to a girl that I specifically told him he could not talk to because they used to flirt with each other all the time. well, all I knew was that they had flirted, and I wasn't okay with that. but little did I know.
so, I talked to her. I apologized for being rude to her before because I never knew exactly what happened between the two of them. she told me exactly what happened. she said that he led her on for 3 months, WHILE he was dating me. she didn't know that he was dating me. she said that she gave him a few blow jobs and they went to the movies twice together. she said that she was under the impression that they were together. until one day, he told her that he was using her. he switched schools and stopped talking to her. she thought I knew about that, but I didn't. all I knew was that they spoke over snapchat and they flirted. maybe if I wasn't so oblivious about the whole thing, I would've known. I was just so in love, I guess. it wasn't something I wanted to believe.
so, after she told me this, I realized that I was just lied to for over a year.. by a guy that I thought cared about me. he looked me in my eyes and told me that he kissed 2 girls in his life. he looked me in my eyes and told me nothing happened between them. I should have known. it hurt me for so long just to know that he flirted with her because it was something he didn't even feel guilty about. I don't understand how he could do something like this to me.
and now it feels like I spent a year and seven months of my life on someone who didn't care about me very much. someone who pretended. and every happy memory is just like trash. it's useless to me but it hurts me so bad. everywhere I go, I remember what him


Best Decision

January 18, 2015 @ (a place)

Tags: funny breakup, breakup

Okay so I was with my boyfriend for not that long, And I have to say when I broke up with him it was the best decision in my life! He was a 10th grader and I was in 11th grade but we had the same age and he was older than me but I skipped a grade. We talked for 4 months and we started a new year in school he finally asked me out. After 3 days of dating he told me he 'loved' me. I was shocked because it was to early to love someone. He never took me out in a date, he never wanted to hang out, only at school might I add AND we talked for 1 or 2 a day. I was miserable. I hated being with him, we was so immature and so cocky for his own good. When we on break I asked to hang out and he told me no because we were only to hang out at school.. After our 1 month (we were on break) he told me he loved me again and got pissed when I didn't say it back. We then got into an argument and he told me that I was using him and a bunch load of crap just because I didn't say 'I love you' back. It was to early to say it and 'love' to me is a special word. So then a week later (still on break) I told him to stop talking s*xual to me because I didn't like it and it made me feel uncomfortable. He got mad at me again saying our conversations were boring so thats why he talked 'dirty' to me! I told him why he never asked about my day, how I was and why couldn't we talk normal. Then we got into another conversation *WARNING* He told me the stupidest sh*t ever... He blamed me that he was failing because of me! (Mind you we have been dating a month almost 2) He said that his parents got pissed at him because his grades and he said I was the reason because of it. We NEVER hanged out, We talked for 1 HOUR OR 2 a day. So how his grades were falling I DONT KNOW!. I told him that it wasn't my fault it was his because he had no reason what so ever to tell me the cra*p. A few days he started talking about marriage, I told him that I wasn't comfortable with the subject since hence our situation and that we weren't dating that long to talk about that and I told him longer people have been dating longer to talk about it. He then asked me which couples *face palm* I then told him the couples who have dated 1 years. He got mad and that's when I had it. I broke up with him and I feel like the chains were lifted off my ankles and my wings were spread and I could be free once again. Now he wants to get back together but no way am I going back to h*ll.



January 17, 2015 @ (Canada)

Tags: Bad breakup, bad get together.

I met this girl in class in around october, by the 20th we we're talking for over 8 hours a day through texts, but would never talk in real life. eventually after giving up on this girl it was a saturday about two weeks later and into november, we somehow started asking each other silly questions at around 9:00PM. Finally she offers, "We should just play 20 questions", I agreed and we continued. The first question that came out of her was a dirty question, and I thought shit was getting a bit to far. Me and her both explained our sexual fantasies in detail, and eventually we exchanged nudes at the end of the night. Monday comes around and we're at school, lunch comes around and she texts me say "come be my pillow, i'm tired". I listen and go find her in the school, I sit down and she instantly sits down ontop of me then cradles up, basically falling asleep for an hour and a half. A few days pass by and I join a Archery Club shes in, and we flirt while shooting. At the end of the day, she tells me to come to her locker and we made out for the first time, thats when I realized shit was getting real. This repeated for a few weeks, fast forward to december, she finally sends me another nude, then for some reason the day later things seemed off, at this point she had me whipped. (wrapped around her finger). After a few days of shit being "off" I ask whats up and she says that shes no longer interested and shes sorry, but we can still be friends. So I make the retarded decision to CONTINUE talking to her for 8 hours a day, this drags on for two weeks of us being "friends". Then she says I sound depressed and that we should go for an ice cream and watch a movie at my place, so I took her for ice cream and went back to my house to, watch a movie.. But shit gets real, my hand makes it down her pants and at the end of the day I asked what just happened, and she didn't know what to say. three days later she still ignored me everytime I asked, and I said enough is enough on the friday, I said we couldn't be friends anymore. But this fucking girl had me so whipped that in three days I came back to her asking for forgiveness. Now things don't sit right, we talked for 8 hours a day again and for the past three days we haven't spoken a word or even looked at each other. I'm still deeply in love with this girl, and I'm so fucking depressed.



December 14, 2014 @ (L.A)

Tags: bad breakup, bestfriend breakup

so me and this guy were never together officially, but me and him have been friends for 4 years and bestfriends for 2, and so recently we finally confessed to eachother after liking eachother for ages, but because of family reasons we couldn't be together officially until a year later, he promised me everything he made it sound like his love for me was invincible and that he would wait for me and that he will try his best to make it work because obviously we have such a history that this is worth it. or so i thought. not even 2 weeks later he starts hanging out with this other girl and he stopped talking to me and all that, i got really sad but i believed that nothing was going on between them. (this girl is my friend too) so the other day i met up with this girl and i asked her about him (she doesnt know anything about us) she told me things i wish i never heard, and right after i finally was alone we called eachother and he admitted to everything he has done and that he choses her over me. he chose a girl he met for 2 weeks over a girl he knows for 4 years.
guess bestfriend relationships dont last longer, they just hurt more because you're losing a bestfriend and the person you like at the same time.



November 29, 2014 @ (Tampa FL)

Tags: brokenheart Badbreakup

Dylan and I were never an official couple. But we went on dates and met each others family. i could tell i was falling in love with him from the start. No one had ever made me feel how he made me feel. I went over to his house to have dinner with him and his family and the whole time i could feel something was wrong. After dinner he took me home and asked me how i felt about being his girlfriend and i told him id love that. He said he wasn't ready for it though so like why did he even ask me? So then he starts talking about how he's graduating soon and it was all just really depressing hearing about how he had to leave. We're standing in front of my house and i cant recall anything that we said to each other other than the fact that he was ending things. Even though it was over he still kissed me, and in my heart I knew there was nothing i could do to change his mind. I went to bed crying and as soon as i woke up for school i fell apart. I will never forget the feeling when my mom came in and started crying with me. Because of him I cant let anyone else in. He blamed the breakup on him not wanting to date anyone in high school as he was going to college but the thing that really gets me is finding out that only 1 week after we ended, he was going on dates with another girl in my grade.


The Struggle Is Real

November 18, 2014 @ (savannah, missouri)

Tags: #ithurts

we never really dated , he added me on facebook one day and we started talking. no friendship to start with nothing , he told me he was falling for me, and he wanted to be with me , it was like we was together , but we weren't he was mine and i was his , he said everyday , but we never really made it offical , he called me everynight since we started talking , he texted me good mornign every morning we'd talk for hours on the phone without loosing a smile , the way he made me feel when we talked with irreplaceable , he hasn't talked to me in days , and it hurts to think he's givin up on me , considering the fact that he told me he loved me and then up outta no where stops talking to me , i don't wanna assume anything , i dont know if he's done talking to me , if i did something wrong , or if something happened . i havent really been happy since he quit texting and calling ... i haven't been the same , i never really could have guessed this would have happened , things were great , we were going to good . and i feel like everyones givin up on me..



November 10, 2014 @ (Canada)

Tags: painful

My history start when i left my back home to came and study in Canada. That was the first time when i was about to start living on my own. I didn't have any acquaintances in this unknown country. Luckily when i cam here i got a guy from the same nationality of mine who has been here for a very long time and was very helpful. He was a married guy yet he was so very helpful and all i was thinking was that his wife was aware that he was helping a girl who just moved in this country. Gradually we became friend and he did a lot for me but innocent as i was i never realized that behind this help of his was a different mind. he came to narrate to me how his wife and how their relationship doesn't work though living under the same roof and in doing he gain my pity and he gradually manipulated me in such a way that he made me felt in love with him and gradually forced me for sex when i mentioned to him no i want to loose my virginity for the one i get married. While being in this relationship he mentioned about his exes and he mentioned about one who still keep in touch as friend. I was like friend okay that's fine but each time he was taking me out or something he was always texting but i never realized that he would be texting her that much. he even took me to buy gifts and out of the blue he got her a gift as well and told me as a friend i was like okay when one day lying next to me i saw a text with the girl saying i love you and i miss you and i asked what was that and he said she still says so what can i do. After that his behaviour changed with me, he stopped texting or calling me and this was bothering so much that i had to ask what was happening and on the day of my exam he told we can't continue. i broke up and was so depressed but its after only that i came to know the reason was that he went back to her. After a couple of months he came back to me saying sorry and we started talking and my mistake was that i forgave him and accepted him again and after couple months he did the same thing he went back to her. I really cannot move on it been dragging for so long that i have been trying to move and thought we don't have anything to do together i keep sending him text each time he is online i tell me he is texting her or if his car isn't here i will say you meeting her and i kept asking why you did this and that and i can't stop monitoring him. i am fed up with my life.



November 06, 2014 @ (United states)

Tags: Awful

my girlfriend and I spent a year and a half together and out of no where one day she tells me that she has too much going on in her life for me. no explanation she just left my life in everyway and left me when I was at my worst with no one to turn to. Also she was talking to someone as soon as we broke up so that hurt more than anything. now everything reminds me of her.



November 01, 2014 @ (Berlin)

Tags: Bad break up

Well me and my boyfriend were together for over 4 years. Like many people say the first year was great we were always happy we loved spending time with each other every second of everyday. Then things started to change. He became distant and he never seemed interested in seeing me or talking to me. I started not to feel right about our relationship but I was desperate to be with him. I found out that he was cheating on me for 3 months straight! I was devastated and I didn't know what to do because I had such strong feelings for him. He never apologized for cheating but I took him back anyway. Our relationship has been rocky this whole entire time' for 3 years. He is constantly comparing me to the girl he cheated on me with. He's always pointing out everything that I do wrong and he never let's me be myself. Everything is always blamed on me. He's broken up with me again for someone else and again I took him back. He break up on average every 2 weeks and I hate it. I always feel terrible I always feel at fault. Days go by that he will just ignore me. I want this relationship to work so bad but he won't put any work forward it's always me. I'm not sure what to d anymore.



November 01, 2014 @ (Hong kong)

Tags: Heartbroken

Back in 2012, a new guy came to my school. Every girl was obsessed with him and thought that he was handsome and all, including me. That guy was also the one who made me fall in love with him. But not only me, but together with 3-4 other girls at the same time. On September 28th, we were having a party because of a girl's bday. That guy was there as well, and it came out that the guy actually liked the girl who was having her bday there. Me (and all the others) saw them kissing and all.. I started to cry in front of everyone because I just couldn't handle it..
After a few months I finally got over him. Until November 2013, he told me that he already liked me since September 2013, but the matter was : he was still with that girl. They were sexually active and all. I didn't accepted him or something but I still kept talking to him, because deep in my heart I still liked him.
March 2014, we were together since now. In this time I learned that he has a really bad temper and gets mad at the smallest things. I had mood swings for 4-5 months when I was with him.
In July 2014, I went to a foreign country for the whole summer. He freaked out and kept on blaming me for leaving, he kept telling me that we would break up, and scolded at me with a lot of foul language.
I felt so miserable and didn't know what to do.
At the last week of my holiday I decided to break up with him, cause he treated me just like rubbish. When he heard that we were going to break up, he freaked out even worse than before, he threatened me that he would kill himself, and stuff like that.
When I was back, he was at the airport with a huge board, all about our stories and the happy things we've been through and all the little things that I thought he was supposed to forget.
We went back together again, but yesterday I discovered that he haD token nude pics of himself and his ex, when they were still in a relationship. That broke me, because he never had told me anything about his ex. I felt like I was just being lied to, these 8 months. He just said that the past is in the past, and things like this. He doesn't understand my feelings at all. He still keeps his exes diys and pictures on his laptop, thinking that I didn't know. At the beginning, he made me feel so special that I thought that we would never break up and stuff, now I'm just crying and crying and crying.
I told him that I want one week to think about what I should do and that I need to analyse everything. He begged me to not break up with him again because he told me that I'm his "everything" and all.
I'm just broken by the fact that he didn't told me these things. Every time I hear these things, it's never from him, it's always one of my friends who tell me this. I feel so fucked up right now and feel like I've been lied on for these 8 months.


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