Searching for "girlfriend"

211 Results For 'girlfriend'


December 21, 2016 @ (USA)

Tags: bad breakup

me and my girlfriend had been arguing a bit in the past week or two but she convinced me that she loved me so we went out and had a really cute and romantic night together and she said she loved me and things were going great i thought but then the next few days she dosent talk to me really and i start to worry then like 3 or 4 days after she breaks up with me because she apparently wants to be single so im oviously devestated and she really dosent care but acts like she does so then 2 days later she goes with the guy she had been flirting with for about a month (so much for wanting to be single) and every time i got jelous she would tell me to shut the fuck up and i was crazy but then she gets with him and it makes me feel sick thinking about him doing stuff to her because honestly im not over her and i dont think i will ever be and it hurts cos she got over me after 2 days so coool


Anon Pls

December 18, 2016 @ (california)

Tags: bad break up, just ugh all sad

i mean i'm not entirely sure what we were. which is pretty sad but, i'll explain. so i met this guy at school a long time ago and we hardly talked at all, he was an upperclassmen anyway. :/ so towards the end of the year apparently he told me how he liked me for a while and he gave me his number which i was shocked because he doesn't even talk to me. I eventually let him into my walls which i'd built so protected and he was a sweet guy. He told me all about his past, and how he had a girl of two years dump him because of her snake friend. He was suicidal because of this and it took him a long time to recover, and how during that small time he would see me everyday he was amazed at how calm i looked and how i looked so mysterious because i never really talked to anyone. We talked everyday for a while there and one day i said how i loved him and he started crying tears of joy. I figured that he was a perfect guy and i wanted to be with him. We hung out over summer and one day when we were cuddling, we kissed and he asked me to be his girlfriend and i said yes. Shortly after I left, a friend of his (who was a girl) got really pissed at him getting a girlfriend and forced him to dump me immediately. He listened to her and it was just really sucky. We were still talking like usual. Then a month later he finds out that his ex of two years got a boyfriend right after they broke up and that they were as happy as could be. He was heartbroken that he didn't get to even know (she blocked him on everything) and he disappeared for a while. He eventually came back and he was different. He tried flirting with me on a whole new level and wanted to have sex with me. It was just rediculous and i did let him do some things but not even close to letting him put himself in me. That was a no no. He was pretty pissed that i didn't want that and he would only talk to me for sex really. I stood up for myself one day and said "if you want me then ask me out." and he never did, proving to me that he was just using me. We share a class now (yeah he kind of taught me a lot school wise and i moved up to be able to take higher level classes) and i see him watch me sometimes, but he acts like he's never met me before


Jay Jay

November 30, 2016 @ (Toronto)

Tags: Bad break up

Okay so I had been dating this guy for 2 years and I was madly in love with him. He was a lover and best friend which can be hard to find most time in a relationship. We argued a lot and there were many times when he made me feel like I wasn't good enough for him in our relationship. We lived together for about 1 year. There were things about him that I absolutely love but I knew he could be a selfish person. Anyways toward the end of our relationship. He said he wanted to move out to be closer to school which was already an hour drive for him. At this time we were arguing a lot. I thought this would be good for us because we need a bit of space. A couple week of him moving out he was telling me. Stuff like he feel like he is single and has been telling people he was single. But we still hadn't broken up. We decide to take a break and work things out. A week later we got in a huge argument. Then I found out four days later over Facebook he has a new girlfriend. I was like ouch I guess it's official. But he keep play mind games and telling me he still love me and we can work. Untill one day I showed up at his house while his new girlfriend was there and confronted him about he said in front of her that we had been over for months and he want to leave 6 months ago. Since then I have been trying to break all ties but it can be hard sometimes



November 05, 2016 @ (Around)

Tags: Dishonesty, FOMO, boysareajoke

About a year and two months dating, my boyfriend broke up with me.. saying he couldnt do long distance anymore. I had only moved away 3 months prior due to family changes and school etc. He said he was still in-love with me and that we could be together once i moved back in a few years. The day after he had a new girlfriend, in which i realized thanks to facebook. I was heartbroken, and when i asked him if it was true he told me it was a dare” and they had to wait a week before taking it down from facebook. I then later found out it wasnt a dare, he had just lied about that. The best part was finding out they had sex 3 days after being together and he broke up with her the day after and asked to be back together with me.



October 29, 2016 @ (Ontario Canada )

Tags: Break up

My girlfriend "Lisa" went to Newfoundland for two weeks to visit family. I never saw or heard from her again. I found out years later that in that two weeks, she met a guy at a bar and decided to stay. I've never got over her, I have no closure.



July 18, 2016 @ (clearwater, fl )

Tags: bad break up, funny break up, ridiculous break up, epic break up

So me and her were going strong when one day her brothers girlfriend steps to her over allegedly stealing from them [i still don't know if she did or not] regaurdless I jump into action and throw my girl in the car immediately and diffuse the situation [I've been in enough trouble and am not hitting a female] I then i comfort my girl and call an hour late into work when it just so happens the district manager is there. so I square things away feeling good about how I handled the situation and went to work. she ends up calling me and breaking up with me saying I should have beat the girl up and skipped work [so glad I didnt] she had already wore me out emotionally that whole month [this day was supposed to be our 1 month anniversary lol] anywho so I say ok whatever I'm coming to get my stuff so I did and she said she wasn't ready for comminment that's all i needed to hear whatever [



May 19, 2016 @ (sweden )

Tags: cheater

The guy I was so inlove with turned out to have a girlfriend, when I asked him about it (which was by text ) he immediately blocked me.



May 18, 2016 @ (USA)

Tags: bad breakup, heartbrokened, sad, intimacy, men, women, problems, what is love, some guys suck,

I feel very sad that my ex broke up with me last month. He used me for a year and had a fling with me meaning making out and having intimacy. I met him at some church but he still was not kind of guy I thought he was. He was a guy who thought he knew what he was doing but he used me for only one thing. I thought he loved me. We went out for a year. We met at church although I thought he thought he wouldn't break his promise to me since he told me he would marrying me but that was a lie. He pretend to love me when I loved him and he really seem like he just wanted to break my heart. He thought he was dating me when he never paid half for date and I always did. It seem to me he never wanted a real relationship just a rebound from his ex girlfriend and he wanted to overpower me. He broke up with me in sometime in April. He said he needed space but I knew something was fishy when he said that. He started to smoke more and drink more energy drinks. I am so sick of being used. I am relieved I ain't pregnant by him. He also told me he wanted a baby but I think he wanted to do that to every women and he was just trying to overcome his intimacy addiction.



April 18, 2016 @ (California)

Tags: terrible break up

Flew to London to meet and marry Italian girlfriend of 3 years. We both spoke and had planned to marry. We lived together off and on each in each of our respective countries. She said no, flew back to Italy and ditched me at the rail station. I am from California, depressed and stranded in the UK.


Estf VLM

March 22, 2016 @ (200 Davisville ave)

Tags: Difficult break up..

I decided to write about how is my recently break up going. I know many of you are having the same situation as me, therefore I will explain how is my situation so you can understand me.

A year ago, 2015, I started dating a guy from a different culture, religion, way of thinking and more. We connected really well, at first it was like wonderland everyday, we talked for hours, went out, laughed, and more.. It felt like a real relationship full of confidence, truth, and more of it we respected each other. We did so many things together, I even started to learn his language, I changed so many things for him, The first 7 moths together were so perfect, I never though that he will change from one day to another.. He stated changing day by day, sometimes i felt like he was so bored to be with me, but other times i felt like he was so happy, I was so confused, even tho i never told him what i felt, he sometimes noticed i guess but never said a word. There were some days he came to me saying he wants to try a night with another girl, i swear he stabbed me every time he said that, but i couldn’t do anything, all i did was laugh like it wasn’t a big deal but it was. I hide so many times how i really felt because i didn’t want him to worry or something. I remember even he told me he could thrown me if I do something wrong, and many times he told me that his friends will always come first than me, I mean I was his girlfriend right?, why would he say stuff like that.. It was just too much but i never payed attention because I did not want to lose him, and I did anyways.

Anyways, a week before he broke up with me, he was acting so weird, I knew there was something but like always I didn’t pay attention. Indeed there was something, on a Tuesday, Jan 12, 2016, at 8pm he came to me and said he wanted to talk to me about something, there.. I knew he wanted to break up, my world just fall apart when he said it, he gave me some crazy reasons and I just played along. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.. Well after that, 3 days after I went to a party, and I remember i got so drunk, all because I found out he was already talking to another girl. IT BROKE ME…

A week after, he came again to me but not as he wanted to go back, he just wanted to make sure of some stuff, but neither of us could help it so we kissed, everything came back to HAPPINESS, only it was NOT.! He said I can’t control myself around you but I want to still being like this, only not as a relationship, I first said alright let’s try, but to be honest it wasn’t enough for me, he was like that with me but also playing with another girl, so i tried to stopped it and until now i couldn’t. I am still in the same situation, i feel like a stupid sometimes, thinking that he would change, but no, it is worse. he still is playing with that other girl, and I am still hurting.

I will never regret any of this, the only thing i regret is how blind I am.