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306 Results For 'good'

WTF Happened

October 24, 2017 @ (somewhere in the Pacific)


My boyfriend broke up with me due to the fact that I went out with my brother to get a couple drinks (my fault for not mentioning to him where I was going) and he came home to me being very drunk and slurring my words and asked where I had been. Told him the truth straight up and he got up and left. He needed to think things over and couple days later ended things with me. I was crushed and devastated, to the point I felt like I was lost in life. A month or two passes and he asks me to hang out and without hesitation I did as I was still in love with him. Then we went back to his place and one thing led to another as if everything was good. Then he doesn't text me for a month again. Now I'm back to being lost and even more confused. Then I get a text from him to spend the night, as I was still in love and was hoping for us to be together again, I said yes. Then again, one thing led to another. Then again, I dont get a text for another month. Then I get another text from him for the same reason, and of course, me still being hopeful and still in love with him I did, then this kept happening for a good 7 months. After I was fed up and decided to meet someone new. THEN when I do, he texts me saying we should have lunch, and that he was sorry and that he finally realized that I'm the love of his life.




September 23, 2017 @ (Sky)

Tags: Hard breakup

Im 23, I met my ex at a running club when she was 16 and I asked her out, it all worked perfectly and we fell in love quickly. Our relationship was PERFECT, we both loved eachother and had a great time everytime we were together. We were made for eachother, and I really mean it, im not saying that because everyone says it. It was all really good.

For the record, we both new she was going abroad for her college studies, and we were willing to have a long distance relationship.

Sometimes she used to tell me that she was the only one contributing to the relationship, saying that only she wanted to see me and that I was indiferent when we dont meet. The truth is that it might be true, I was busy with college and in my free time I also liked to play video games, but we still saw eachother A LOT. I told her it was not true, every time I could I would go see her and that I love her with all my heart.

Time passed, and it was all still extremely good, but after 1 year and 8 months, she was 18 and done with school, while I am still finishing my last college year. We spent my summer vacations together, all the time, and when they were over, things changed, she had all that FREE TIME while I was extremely busy, that is when things fell appart really. I could not see her for 2 weekends straight, due to my overwhelming homework and also playing some video games; she basically transformed, and when I asked her what was happening, she said that she was getting used to not see me. I imediatelly went to see her and talk, but she was another girl, indiferent, not caring anymore. I told her that I will change and I will literaly sleep less so I can se her more. She said ok, but she was already diferent, nothing I did actually changed her mind. It was really messed up, so we sat down and talked, and she said that she had to change, she was suffering because she put a lot of effort into us and she left herself behind. This was true, she gave me all these little creative presents all the time, and I did not. She told me that the only way she could feel good is by caring less; I told her I was already putting more time into her, but she said that it was not the same, and that she thinks that the relationship is ending; nevetheless, we agreed to try to make it better. I really put an effort into everything, bringing her flowers, spending weekdays with her, and more, but after 2 weeks of this, she told me we need to talk, and broke up with me, saying we will be better off alone, she said she needed this time for herself before she went off the country. But she made her discontent clear, she told me that part of the breakup is due to her always giving me those little details, and that I never cared to give her the same, I did gave her some, but with time, I stopped.

The thing is that we broke up, and I am dying, feeling guilty as I gave her for granted and I lost her. She looks fine, I was crying really bad and she just shed a few tears. She said that maybe in the future we will meet, and she made it clear that she dreams of being my wife and having my kids, that im the perfect guy, but she wants to be alone.

I am confused and dont know what to do. I am shocked, I still think its not reall, I cant believe she broke up with me, SHE LOVED ME so much, and I did to. It all just happened in a second. Help me please.


Jason Hare

September 21, 2017 @ (Missouri )

Tags: Lost my family and my home and was left broken hearted

Was the one woman who meant the world to me. We were together for 4 years when we were younger. She cheated on me twice and I tried to make it work. We even had a daughter together. I left her on my daughter's first birthday. I was broken at that point and couldn't fix myself. It hurt like hell to leave both her and my child. Five years later she gets a hold of me lol for what I thought was because she missed me and wanted to try again. In reality it was to tell me I was going be paying child support. We took our daughter and her other 2 kids to the zoo. Was beyond happy to be able to see my little girl. After that we just got back together. It was the happiest day to finally be able to hold her close after so many years. I worked hard to make us a livable home. Dang near rebuilt it by myself. Started getting better things for our home new appliances. Her second daughter had kidney problems and we had to take 5 hr trips and got her on a donor list. I treated the other 2 like my own. I actually loved her more and more as the years went by. We were a family and I worked a lot to pay for everything. Own my own company so I had to stay out of town a lot. I was always faithful and loyal. My mom got cancer and almost died. Stress for me was huge but I struggled on. 7 years we were together and I thought we were doing good. I took my mom to see my older brother a few states away being that she might not see him again. While we were there I sold a job to a neighbor of my brothers. I drove home with my mom. Mind you i had to work 30 days straight to pay for the trip. Got home worked another 30 days to make trip back to do job I sold. Now this is when I lost everything and never even knew that she had been with another man while I was gone. She moved in with him and never once told me what was going on. Apparently they got together just days before I took my mom to see my brother.Years of bonds with children and I thought with her. The day I came home I called her because naturally I had been away and missed her and the kids. That's when I was told that she had a new bf and that I had lost everything. As stupid as I am I thought she was joking. We had promised to breakup if we found someone else we wanted to be with. So now shattered and alone I realized that I was only the one that was truly in love. I asked her why she didn't breakup with me like we promised. I was told that the 7 years we lived together and everything we had gone through that we were never really a couple. So for 7 years I was nothing not a friend not a lover. Not a family so what was I then? I was ghosted after all that time. I was used to fix up the house. Pay for the trips to the doctor. I paid bills as a couple. That was 2 years ago and I'm still broken inside. I'm not sure if I can ever trust anyone ever again. I'm not sure but I don't know how you just leave someone that you were supposed to love. Then to realize I didn't even warrant being broken up with. I meant nothing at all that's the worst part. How do you do that knowing that your hurting someone so deep and not even flinch. So that's my story how that what you think you have can actually be completely different from what is really there. In my case I loved and I meant nothing at all. When I met her I was sure I had found the one person who was put here for me. I was wrong I did learn how painful it is to love and not to be loved in return. Years of lies. I'm not sure how to say I love you and it mean nothing. When I said it I meant it with all my heart. To her it was just meaningless. Karma though always comes around.



September 20, 2017 @ (India)

Tags: Bad Rebound Break up

Hi Guys, Let me share my story
Myself RJ(28) working in a software company as Team Lead and my ex(23.9) she joined as a fresher in our company recently and started liking from the first day after seeing her. After a casual talk for 2-3 weeks i got her contact no and we went out after office and things started from there and she used to say " I really want to be with you all the time" and later one day she came to my room and we drank and had fun time.She said that she loves me and want's to marry me but i tried to tell her that it may be very difficult because for the fact that we are from different regions like i am from south and she is from north (language,custom difference) and there is age gap of 5 years and i also told her it is just an attraction but she keep on saying that i love you and will marry you and will try to convince her parents . I gave my 100% commitment since then and things went pretty well for 5 months but from jun end she started behaving different and phone calls ,chats and meetings got reduced day to day .I can see the change and started asking what's happening and she used to say that "Her parents started looking for a match", i told her to talk to about us and she said she will talk to them in Oct (she is going to home for Festival) .All of a sudden one fine night she sent breakup message saying " Her family financial condition is not good" and she don't want her father to take any tension because of the relation. I tried to convince her that i will to talk to her family but she is no way interested, I asked her if there any third person came in between and she said "no" . For 1 month i tried to sort out what's happening but one day i went out with our mutual Colleagues to a trip (she didn't came) where i came to know that she had a boyfriend (College break up) and she is still in contact with that guy and he came into her life again and also she showed their close pics to one of my mutual colleague and asked him to help her in talking to her parents to convince them and he talked to her Ex as well. I was literally shocked after hearing that news and the next day me and the colleagues asked about the boyfriend and she was very angry and started shouting on me saying " I just made up this story to cover our relationship in office and said i don't want to see your face again" and said she is getting married(LIE).But from then she stopped talking to me saying that i took her respect in front her colleagues and she said " i made her a bitch" in front of them. All i tried is to make her to understand how much i like her and how much i wanted her in my life . Now day to day its very clear that all the time she just made time pass with me which i thought as love and she stopped talking to me and don't even like to see my face because i exposed about our relation to colleagues which they don't know for last 5 months. We are staying in the same office ,same floor and same section and it is not easy for me to say that daily seeing her and listening her voice all the time and staying calm. She is with her ex now who she broke up with before and all the time she lied ( my understanding) to me .... I came to know that she is in contact with him since beginning but she cleared her traces everywhere and didn't gave a chance to doubt her actions.In office she talks to everyone and being close to a guy who i was in secured off before . I hope now u understand my situation and please suggest how to stay calm in the office. I never said i love you or i will marry you she started the things and now she just broke my heart for her ex boyfriend . I did nothing wrong even she knows that but i am going through a lot of pain now .The worst part is " His ex and me we both don't know that we exist in each other life's " she is too brilliant and hided everything from both of us (me and her ex)



July 13, 2017 @ (Indiana)

Tags: bad breakups, sad breakups

A couple of months ago, the girl i;ve had feelings for finally expressed her love for me we both knew how one another felt, just never said anything cause it was never the right time. we talked for a while and she finally broke up with the scum bag she was with. but, all of a sudden she didnt know what she wanted... said we couldnt be together.. and i had had enough heartbreak in the sate i was in so i left... left my job, and my care and flew out of state... the she texted me... called me all the time... begged me to come back for a month... so i did.... i came back for her because i loved her... and we had one good week before she told me she hated me... told me i was a mistake and told me to leave... as i was packing she laughed and said she had cheated on me a few days prior... i never got mad at.. never yelled or even said anything that would remotely hurt her through all this... i told her i loved her one last time as i put my bag over my shoulder and left...



May 28, 2017 @ (Oslo)

Tags: Bad break up

I went on a date with a guy that I liked. He was handsome and very nice, to me. But as soon as I got to know the dark side of him, I started to dislike him more. He was nice to me and he was flirting with other girls. And he was a bad boy. I heard that he was selling drugs and other stuff to random people. And when I asked him about it, he said that he used to do stuff like that in the past. But he lied! He still does it. My brother found out that I was together with him and he got mad. Because he didn't like it and he thought I was too young to have a boyfriend! I broke up with the guy, and he got really upset about it. He didn't understand why. And he got very angry at me and I didn't like it. After some weeks I got over him, but he said that he was never going to get over me. And I'm like " yeah, well I am all over you so I don't give a fuck" We are friends now, but in the past few weeks I have been falling for his best friend! And that is not good! I like him a lot! He is a really good guy, better than my ex. And he likes me too. But we can't be together, because my ex would be so jealous and angry! Because his ex girlfriend is together with his best friend?! That's not cool... So I don't know what to do



May 08, 2017 @ (Michigan )

Tags: Time wasted

We met through mutual friends . His best friend was my friend at the time. Me and the person I ended up dating we're never really friends before dating, we we're what you'd like call that person you say hi to because if you didn't you'd feel that short quiver going through your brain because you didn't speak. Quite like you we're supposed to speak. We had a few encounters before though. We'd always play cards and sat next to each other sometimes. Of course the other friend initiated the meetings. I ended up liking him. And his friend told him and I put my number in his phone and he texted me and asked me out the same day!!!! I said yes and was extremely happy. We started dating on November 21.2016 , which went sort of well. We liked each other kissed, went on a couple of dates. Took loads of pictures, had long phone calls. Then he told me he loved me, which I didn't want to believe. Then he need up breaking up with me on March 6the because he claimed he couldn't date me for personal reasons, I stood close by and remained his friend for about a month, he asked me out and o said yes again, and then we got together again April 12 and had a good time. I questioned him through my misconceptions I had past about his dealings with other females he'd get upset and which triggered a break up AGAIN!!! But this time it's because he claims he lost all feelings for me the moth we were friends. I just don't get it. Why? Why? Why?



May 08, 2017 @ (Kenya)

Tags: Bad break up

He sparked a conversation like no other, grabbed my attention and made me laugh he was a world away from all the rest. It was nice to just talk to someone who seemed as if they had only good intentions. We had to wait to meet due to trips organised which made it all the more interesting to really get to know eachother. Finally our first date came and I felt my face fill with redness I turned into this shy giggy girl again. I couldn't stop looking at him , in my eyes he was beautiful. Not a peep would come from
His mouth after a long day for him all he wanted to do was eat! We sat peacefully in the car and restaurant until we both stuffed our faces on ribs. We went for drinks


A Red Head

March 31, 2017 @ (Canada)

Tags: A ginger Sob story

As long as I can remember I belive my personality said more about myself rather than my appearance.  Growing up what ever style it was, weather "grundge", "punk" or "gangster" my only real feature that stood out was my red hair. Though I wouldn't alow these styles to define me as a person I often felt predgism. This feeling often played a part in choices and morality as I grew up to never judge a book by its cover, and try to veiw things logic ly from Nemours perspectives. This led me to having a lot of friends from very diferent walks of life. This is the story of my last relationship spanning three years, from the time I met and fell in love with her at first sight, to my life right now, falling apart and absoltly hating myself. I am an asshole.

For some time, at the age of 23, I had been struggling with my housing situation. I was a first year heavy duity mechanic with two years experiance working maintenance for a pretty large transportation company in an oil city. Growing up here my entire life had given me at a young age a veiw into the world of drugs, gluttony, and a lot of narrow minded people just trying to stay busy and get by. During this time, the geting by was alright. The economy was booming and at this time were you to leave your job three more opertunity opened up. The realy problem at this point where the housing situation made it dificult was juggling my job and dealing with a series of drug addicted roomates. One of witch during the 2012 incident was telling me how he was goig to eat me. After that moved in with a friend growing up from high schools familie. Let's just say there was a series of murders going on with a particular gang that growing up i was affiliated through.  That was a unsafe fucked up situation I don't wish to discuss to much about Friends dieing and going to jail. This made me become more distant from more and more friends and focusing on my career.
Eventually, after some time couch serfing and sleepig in my car I had moved in with a two co workers. It was a old and small house, but it was nice. It was me and a coworker up stairs. My room was pink. Another country worker and his lesbian cousin and her other down stairs. With all that said, this is the setting of my tale. Where I first met her.
My roomate had started going through a dark period after his girlfriend had left him because he relapsed on meth. His down ward spiral kept geting worce and worce. Living with a meth head is the most unpleasant living I had delt with. Money, belonging, go missing, weird people come over. Mood swings. To cope with it I had began drinking more. Eventually he had lost his job and there was little I wouldn't do to get out of the house and meet new people. After one night at the bar I get back home fairly early. Being drunk and hearing music from un known origin I begin to follow it into the basement.  My down stairs roomates were having a few drinks and the girl I was in love with is there.
My first words to her were, " Oh your friends with those two? Are you a lesbian as well, because I think your cute."
She wasn't a lesbian. She was queer. Not that I realy understood much of that at the time. We ended up making out and I drove her to work the next day. I latter find out she had recently decided to transition into a man and begin her hormones. I was pretty sad that this girl who I just met that I already had feelings for was undergoing a change that wouldnt lead anywhere for us.
Regardless of where we both stood about my feeling we began hanging out. And for a time, a beautifle friendship blossomed. She inspired me to be myself, not let others take advantage of me, to stick up for myself have faith in making the right choices to better myself. I soon moved out of the house and got a small town house with my best friend growing up. For a time things seemed pretty good. How ever, I knew this girl I was already in love with and knew things how they were wouldn't last forever... nothing good lasts for ever, and once again things would get rocky. this is the end of part one.



March 29, 2017 @ (MN)

Tags: Bad breakup

I am a young and lovesick boy, one that thought online dating over a game was a good idea. I thought it was silly and rather joke like at first, until I absolutely fell for a girl. I was in love. I wanted her. I needed her. She felt the same way and eventually we started texting. We had plans of marriage, further romance, college, and so much more. Then one day I had gotten a text from her that said nothing more than, "I'm literally in tears rn...". I said "what's wrong baby?" No reply. "Are you there?" No reply. "Please don't tell me what I think happened happened..." Once more, no reply. I soon got a text message from her mother saying I was forbidden from ever talking to her daughter again. I fell into tears immeadiately. I deleted the game, and am still recovering from it. Please careful of what you do on the may end up very hurt. Thank you for reading my awful breakup story...


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