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October 23, 2019 @ (Florida)

Tags: bad breakup

On March 28 of my senior year, a day after my year and 7 months anniversary, my boyfriend had broken up with me. It was sudden and unexpected. We were fighting at the time about something stupid and I had apologized and he never did. I didn't go to school the day after because I was sick. Heartbreak. I loved this man and the reasons he gave for leaving was horrible. He told me I was a bitch, insensitive, and that he hadn't loved me for the last 2 months and he was only with me so I was happy. Although he already planned to break up with me the day after school ended. The next week comes and I found out he already had a new girlfriend. Realization set in. He was cheating. A few weeks later rumors about me were being spread, he was throwing shade at me. I snapped. I told him that if he wanted to be "done" with the relationship like he said then he needed to quit being a petty asshole and grow up. It was over, he moved on and I was on my way with a good life. He didn't stop, but karma was a bitch. His new girlfriend broke up with him after she talked to me and realized that everything he told her about me was a lie.

There was a lesson to be learned. If you say you are done with a relationship then don't make things harder for the other person. Move on. If you hate them, that's fine. Don't go and make their life miserable because you were.

Karma is a bitch.



October 22, 2019 @ (Qatar)

Tags: Break up

so i'm a university student, and i ve decided to not date anyone in my uni years to focus more on my studies, until my senior year. I met someone while doing my internship, he was nice funny we start talking and going out on date there was chemisrty i really thought he was the one i told him all my insecurities and how i don't believe in myself and i don't think i m pretty we start dating the first month was amazing it was like a movie i was finally happy after years until he started telling me how to dress how to talk how to walk what to do and even start deciding about my future and if i said that's not what i want to do he gets mad but i was already in love with him and i couldn't live without him so whatever he says i do because i didn't want him to leave me. We had sex for the first time ( it was my first time )and after one week he broke up with me telling me that i was an easy girl and that he deserves better that i wasn't good enough for him not pretty enough for him ( to be honest i was the smarter one never wanted to make him feel not smart enough i was the prettier one he never went to college and i was a senior student at the uni, he only speak one language i speak 5 languages ) i was broken i thought i'd die from sadness but i was sure that he ll talk to me again until i heard that he has a new girl friend and telling everyone that he never loved me it hurts a lot to be honest i still love him and i still broken and i wish i could understand what happened or why he acted like that why did he lie to me or even came to me the first time if he didn't like me. I hope i ll get over him soon.



October 21, 2019 @ (Doha,Qatar)

Tags: funny break up and post break up

At the moment i am in 11th grade. 4 years ago ie, when i was in 7th grade, i got into a relationship with my classmate.Well the funny part is that we were enemies in 6th grade (lmao).So when we got into 7th grade he told me that he liked me but i wasnt interested,my friends forced me to get into a relationship and eventually we became a couple and also the talk of the school.Then within few months we started to like each other and our relationship progressed.We did the lame stuffs that couples would do at that age .But when i look back into that year rn i am laughing my ass off.Anyways when it was the end of 7th grade he told me that he is going to leave the country cuz his father lost his job and then he disappeared.
well after four years my friends were super curious to know where and what he is doing rn.And somehow they found out his address and texted him.Well he told my friend that he still likes me(lmao) and that he wanted to talk to me and i told her to tell him to FUCK OFF.
Anyways that was my first so called love and prolly the last.



August 12, 2019 @ (-)

Tags: bad breakup hurt love

Well i was always looking for a soulmate where i will spend my life only with her, i found her in a social media, got together for 4 years, She is a lecturer in a university and very professional with her work and duty, i just feel like she is the one for me, very caring, loving and we do fight frequently because every relationships have fights, i have met her parents and she have met mine, we have actually decided to get married in 1 year as we discussed, but while time was passing by i literally been dreaming that she with a another dude, i asked her regarding this dream, she kept ignoring and change the topic, on the following week i decided to spy on her activites by following her everywhere she goes, then late in the everning caught her hugging a guy and heading to a hotel, i followed and caught both of them naked having fun with each other, i was totally broken, i could not bare with the pain and the thing i see, she never bothered to say sorry, but what she could say that was just a casual fun with the dude, i kept trying to forget her even my family loves her so much, Even it have been 1 year now,i am yet trying to move on but i failed, i am still stuck with the broken love.



July 05, 2019 @ (79707)

Tags: Sad

While advertising an upcoming show that the band I was currently fronting I met a the most beautiful, funny, smart, and obnoxious girl I've ever met. We hit it off instantly and started dating. She was the type of girl that i could sit down and work on music for the band with her, or pass out under a tree in her front yard and have the best sleep ever. It reached the point that we would even do duets in shows from time to time. I was fresh out of high school and she was still in high school at the time. Homecoming night she went to the game and I went to a party at the drummers house. While at the party She contacted me, told me she cheated, she was done with the relationship, and hung up. Needles to say whiskey and band mates got me through that night. The next morning her and I met up to give each other things back. That was 8 years ago. We haven't spoken since but i still think about her daily. My guitarist hears from her from time to time, says shes doing well. I'm glad she's well but I've never recovered.



July 26, 2019 @ (Finch station)

Tags: Carspotter, Ferrari , Ferrari 458, Finch station,

Ferrari 458 at Finch station.



May 29, 2019 @ (Los Angles )

Tags: bad breakup, normal breakup

So this was my 7th grade boyfriend, and the break up was hard for me cause if i kiss someone i have strong feelings for they get stronger. he “dumped me” or what ever he thinks he did.🙄 but i won’t talk trash about him because he was a good boyfriend, and i miss him. i would definitely take him back



May 29, 2019 @ (Dairy Queen)

Tags: BMW , bma m4, Austin yellow BMW m4, carspotter, North York, dairy Queen, empress walk

Austin yellow BMW m4 coupe at Dairy Queen.



May 28, 2019 @ (The Bennett on Bayview)

Tags: Hyundai, Veloster, Hyundai Veloster, KDM, carspotter, The Bayview shopping mall.

Hyundai Veloster red at The Bennett on Bayview



May 28, 2019 @ (Tufts Valu Mart)

Tags: Valu Mart, Carspotter, Porsche Cayenne, Porsche, Porsche Cayenne Turbo S ,

Carmine red Porsche Cayenne Turbo S at Tufts Valu Mart.