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126 Results For 'cheating'


June 12, 2017 @ (New zealand)

Tags: Bad breakup, cheating, drama

It's been 2 years since I broke up with my then love of my life, we were stupidly in love and I mean this with every iota of my being. We were physical in ways I hadn't been with another and the talking god we talked till morning...this went on and on, I hope it would never end problem was I ran outta interesting things to say I guess we just got comfortable...well I did I hadn't really had that kinda relationship. Well things keep progressing and she don't get me wrong she could of grown a second head and I'd still love her. But then the accusations started first it was people on the street then it changed to her work mates...after that no one was safe her flat mates my flat mates... it started getting real toxic... it ended with her getting physical with me ie fists on face I've never hit a woman but in that moment I came close we broke that night...part 2 and 3 too come yep we got back together what can I say I loved her.


Brian Hung

April 05, 2017 @ (Tainan)

Tags: Anger, Disgusted, Revenge, Cheating?,

I'm writing right now 5:08 in the morning about my breakup story, it was a while ago back in January, I was in a relationship with a girl, where we were in love deeply, but notice how I said were, because after a while, something happened... We were taking the same class of music, where she met this other guy, now, I was cool with it at first because I don't want to be completely restrictive. Then something hit me, I started noticing her not replying to my messages often and stopped interacting with me, I'm easily angered so I immediately confronted the other guy about this where he was cool with it and respected our relationship. We used to talk over 3 hours a day, then we talked less than 10 minutes a week, she started ditching me to go see him, sitting closer to him than she would sit beside me. Then she said she needed space, remember how we hardly interacted now, and I thought it was total bullshit, we had a huge argument over it but eventually resolved it, she told me to stop looking at her, talk to her or walk with her (we are still in the fucking relationship), eventually I couldn't take it anymore and broke up because she is being bullshit, and now we are in a very unhealthy friendship where she is extremely bias towards anything about me, she constantly pisses me off, fuck thats how it is now and I want is revenge.


Silly Girl

March 04, 2017 @ (Taiwan)

Tags: Sad breakup, silly breakup, silly girl, unimaginable breakup

When I was 13, I meet my ex in high school. I remember in the first class, we look at each other and smile which is the moment i remember until now. Those time, when young soul are pure and kind.. When time passes. We had a crush on each other, we knewit but we never confess it.

5 years later where we both are 19, we got together, he is my first love, while im not his first love. He went into several relationship during that 5 years. We were both in a long distance relationship(LDR) as at the year 19 people start going to college in University. I stayed local to further study, while he were in the State.

When we first separated, we fully committed to maintain this uneasy relationship, because i believe in fate. For those who been in a LDR, will know that how stressful, insecure, it is. It brings a lot of stress to me. At the first 4 months it was okay, and after that he start to playing missing, like for a whole day. Dint reply my text, dint pick up my call and dint even told me that when he is awake and when he is going to sleep. The time different between us is horrible, it was me that stay up till midnight to wait for him to wake up, but ended up receiving nothing. This kind of ignorance and gone missing go on and off continuously till another 6 months.

At the 10th month of LDR, i received an odd message from him. It was some very rude words, saying that I am a bitch. And then I realized that it sent by another girl through his phone. At that moment, my heart felt apart. My heart was broken. I cried and call him to explain everything, he told me that he was actually with the girl when he is in the State. He throw all the responsibilities to me to settle all this mess. Ask me to make the decision. I was mentally and physically being tortured. Everything was in a complete mess. His cheating partner was crying and screaming while we having phone call and I am really not under a sober condition to settle this mess. And I decided to hang up the call since I cannot think comprehensively towards everything. After the night, he keep send me sorry words, saying that he din't mean it, saying that he still love me, and a lot of sentences that mentally hurt me a lot. He spam and spam and spam.. every single day and act like he is the one who got hurt. MAN!! I am the one who silently being hurt all the time, every single time! 6 days after the messy break up, his cheating partner texted me, asking me to give him another chance, and told me that he was sick, asking me to send him some warm messages. I cried every single day, i cried a lot. The pain that both of them gave me is unbearable. It's like a knife stuffed into my heart and slowly twisting.

And finally I decided to text him, because I still love him at that point, he cried and beg me, asking me to give him another chance. Because I still love him, and we are back together. Same thing happened, okay at the first month was so good. And the following months he was playing missing. Finally at the third month he wanted to break up, and he said that he is in love with someone else. And we never contacted ever since.

After the break up, I couldn't sleep well at night. I always had nightmares, felt lonely and sad. When I look into the mirror i asked "What now? Am I not good enough?" "Why does being kind people will still get hurt?". All the question i asked, but non of them gave me an answer. Those sadness and insecurities haunted me quite a long time. It started to effect my health.

And after 4 months, someone with him told me the truth, the person told me that he had a lots of girlfriend before and after he gets back with me, all those classes, working timetable and trips with friends that he told me as an excuses of can't make a video call was actually going out have fun with a lots of chicks! Truth hurt. Truth really hurt like hell. I burst into tears when I knew this. I always thought that both of us need a closure, but the pain he gave me that feelings just wont go away. After the truth, and I finally realized that he doesn't deserve my tears. It is not worth to cry for him. Love yourself first girls!

Xoxo Best wishes


Anonymous Gal

March 01, 2017 @ (Singapore)

Tags: #breakup

When I was in university, I went on exchange overseas. Being a shy and quiet girl, I was prepared to spend the 4 months there alone by myself and doing things independently. Perhaps, god loves to spoil your plans because I ended up spending almost all my time with a boy from another country that I met there. I don't usually get along easily with people but somehow we just clicked and I really enjoyed his company. Though it wasn't by any means official, he started treating me the way you would your girlfriend. He sweet-talked me by calling me the "prettiest girl", persuading me to run errands for him, and I started to think something was amiss because it appeared that he was spending all his time when he was not with me, with another girl. I started to be very skeptical and suspicious of him though I had already fallen for him. Soon I noticed that this girl appeared to be runniing the errands he asked me to run for him.
Then she mocked me with him one day and making it very clear that she didn't want him or herself anywhere near me, when I met up with him later that day... He pretended like nothing had happened and even asked me to accompany him one on one to day trips to various tourist destinations. One day, he even asked me out and tried to persuade me into entering a sexual relationship with no strings attached. I was shocked because I was a very good girl who never had a boyfriend and I had never heard of anything like that. He dropped the idea perhaps knowing he had gone too far. I started to plan to dump him.
We had already signed up for two tours together to see some interesting sights so I planned to dump him after the tours. I made up my mind not to have anything to do with him.
It would have ended like that but no, he started messaging me and asking me out again. I told him straight in the face my issues and highlighted to him that "I may like him" because of the way he behaved. He had the cheek to act like he was attracted to me. Staring deeply into my eyes and telling me to "chase him, buy him something"
I obviously would not do that.
He and his other girlfriend were as close as ever and mocking, intentionally avoiding me when together refusing to sit with me in the dining hall.
I decided to try my best to find out what was going on. Was he cheating on, doing things behind my back he knew would hurt me and lying to me? I asked him if he was together with the girl. He denied it vehemently.
Finally, the day when it all ended came. We were friends on MSN and I decided to prank him in a final effort to find out the truth. I mock-pretended that I was truly heartbroken to fool him in hope of him telling me the truth that he had been doing things behind my back. Instead, he replied me by telling me I was never his friend and that he could not be bothered should anything happen to me. He denied that he had said those stuff previously and said that he said some of them to intentionally hurt my feelings. I was outraged!
Recently, I found out he was getting married to that girl. He had been lying, cheating on me outright. I had no buisiness to be his girlfriend, I entered his life wanting to be his friend because we could get along. He was the one who started behaving like I was his girlfriend. He did things behind my back that he knew would hurt me but he still did it. I have no words for such a disgusting jerk.



January 01, 2017 @ (Georgia)

Tags: Bad breakup

So I was in a deep depression and I met this girl online during the very beginning of my senior year. We talked for a months or two and started dating. Months pass and she started to grow distant. I got clingy because I was afraid she was cheating on me. (Being cheated on was my biggest fear and she knew it). Fast forward to April. I go on senior trip and find out she's cheating on me. We break up. I planned to move to where she was in June. A few weeks of not eating and begging for another chance and we start dating again. I move four states over to her as soon as I graduate. Great summer. Things were good, until one day I had a bad feeling and I found out she had also cheated on me with her best friend a few days before I moved out there to be with her. She cheated on me twice and lied to me so much. I've never been the same since and honestly, I feel so lost since then. Now I'm living in a state four states from home with no one.



November 08, 2016 @ (canada)

Tags: Cheated husband while pregnant

I have been with my husband 10 years married for 5, we have 2 kids and I'm pregnant with our third, we where a great couple, in love the envy of everyone, but this year we where a bit distant from each other he owns a business with his family and has always worked 6 days a week at least 70h and I have never said a word, but got a bit bored this year and checked out, when we had the talk we decided to work on things and I got pregnant by accident/surprise right after , we sold our house for a bigger one for me to find out he was cheating on me the entire summer, he says he just got confused with us not being as connected as before and had tried to brake it off when we had our talk but was scared to piss off the other women and that she would tell me. Now I'm 6 month pregnant and not sure what to do . His work schedule has not changed and as much as he says he loves me and wants to work it out I dont find he is putting any effort in at all and all I can think of is that if you had time when you had no time to have affaire then you should have time to work on things, I think he thinks this will just blow over with time and since I'm pregnant its not like I'm going anywhere, what should I do , I would like to work this out but not with someone who seems to have no interest in doing the right thing at the appropriate moment.



November 07, 2016 @ (A place)

Tags: bad breakup, cheating, deserve better, sad

I met this guy three years ago through friends and it seemed to go really well. We were both in high school and the first year was lovely with us going on adventures and going on dates. However, during the first year of college, he turned incredibly immature (he had failed his GCSE's and I had just started A Levels), stopped making an effort with me and there were rumours he had cheated on me. We broke up for 2 weeks but I was stupid to take him back after he begged me that he missed me.
The next two years sucked. I would put in all of the effort into the relationship whilst he spent all of his money on cigarettes and spent his time playing video games. I felt trapped and lonely.
Recently I started university and he is still stuck at college. As all of his decent friends are at university or working, he started to become friends with some very dodgy people (known to do drugs and commit crimes). He started to get close with a lot of girls and it became obvious he was cheating on me when he suggested we go on a break. I ended it after receiving a text from him saying he was sleeping with another girl and yesterday we gave each others things back (three years worth of his things given back to him in two bin bags). He had hickeys all over his neck and random girls kept calling him whilst he was saying we should remain friends.
I know I deserve a lot better than him and I'm going to try and focus on my degree and find someone who will make an effort with me. It's just that it is hard to move on from three years of confusion, bittersweet memories and him in my life.



October 15, 2016 @ (Louisiana )

Tags: Baby break up

Wish I could make a long story short but I was with my child's father for 3 years he was like first everything , love of my life but little did I know he was cheating on me. It broke my heart cause now I have your baby and it's still not enough to at least you try to make something with with us get your family straight before moving on. So he got me a ring help me get car we took family pictures and everything. While our family picture #the(hislastname)... He then post his new li boo. We technically didn't breakup so I spent months looking for closure. But now I'm in a good place with everything but he stuck on I want him so he choose not to deal with me and my child doesn't even know her dad it's sad but touching he chooses to tend to his life and let his daughter grow in front his eyes. I think out of the whole break up that's the part I won't ever let go of because I know the feeling of growing up with no father but for him to say some of the things he says as mother of his child.. He literally watched me struggle to take care of her , just to see me hurt.. Still wanna know why he is so mad because He cheated and I basically expressed my feelings in messed up ways but I feel as if what's worse the having a baby for somebody who you loved and they never loved you back (let's talk about kick in the face , right)



September 21, 2016 @ (Saipan)

Tags: Religion, Too Young

It was the most perfect relationship. Met in 5th grade and had a crush on each other. Saw each other in high school and ended up going out since freshmen year of 2011. Shared our first kiss together under the rain... all first experiences together. He went to the airforce after high school while I continued college and did long distance for one year. He cheated the first year but 3 months the following summer with him couldn't compare to the 4 years we've been together, that completely changed him to a better person. You know when they say that cheaters don't change? He did and he became a better person. We've never loved each other so much and the sparks between us were on fire during those 3 months. We knew what we wanted and we were ready for marriage in the future.

However, right after that summer, I began to withdraw from the religion, Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church of Christ), which meant more than anything to him. He invited me to his church and I believed in the teachings until later this year when I realized that this wasn't for me. We overcame so many problems but this one was overboard and we just couldn't handle it. We handled two years of long distance, cheating, fighting, and growing in our differences but religion was something he valued a lot. We were also young and needed to explore. The breakup was the hardest between us and everyone in our home knew about us. We were voted as, "Cutest couple" in our class and everyone rooted for us. But really.. sometimes love is not enough.

However, through it all. Through all the good and hard times, we still respect and love each other so much but this time of our lives, this could be the biggest mistake we ever made or the best decision... only time will tell.



July 24, 2016 @ (New Jersey )

Tags: bad breakup :(

So this story begins January 8th, Me and someone who I thought was amazing met because we were at the same place with some friends. It was like an instant connection from that point on, I had never met someone I connected with so much in my life.. he told me that I was his everything and the love of his life, that he would never leave me. some may say that it takes longer but after 2 months of dating I felt myself falling in love with him more and more with every single day that went by. One Saturday we were supposed to hangout and all of a sudden he came over, handed me the things I left at his house, and pretty much accused me of cheating on his with my ex boyfriend, he left my house and immediately blocked me on EVERYTHING, and has not talked to me since. I was so confused and so heartbroken, all I remember was sitting on the edge of my bed crying so hard, my chest was on fire and I felt like my stomach was turning inside out. it was honestly one of the hardest things Ive ever had to go through in my entire life, that day I honestly felt my heart shatter inside of my chest, It honestly changed who I am as a person and I will never be able to love anyone the same. He still hasn't talked to me since