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264 Results For 'bet'


April 11, 2015 @ (United States)

Tags: first Love, First break up, second chance, back together

My story might be a little different, but still the same feelings, the same pain. I am a guy and i fell in love with another guy this was my first relationship with a guy. We met in March of 2014 everything was great from day one. We met at a parking lot at the willowbrook mall in Houston, TX. We were great together, we wouldn't go 24hrs without texting each other. He told me from the begining he was scared of getting hurt and wanted to take everything slow, he said he had moved too fast before and only ended up getting hurt. He didnt want to make the same mistake this time. We never became an official couple, but we were officially dating. He told me what he was feeling was getting stronger and it was freaking him and he didnt want to lose me. We went on a few road trips, Marfa, TX Austin, San Antonio it was great. We used to see each other a few times per week almost a year later we started seeing each other less and less, he put this big distance between us i didnt know why and it was killing me. In October I decided to ask him to take it to the next step, he straight out said no, he didnt want to get hurt or move to fast. I told him i would wait for him. We kept hanging out, things were ok I was already in love, but i was also scared. so in March i finally decided to put the fear aside and tell him i fell in love with him and that i love him so at least he knew how i feel, i didnt want to pressure him. When i told him he probably freaked out, he was more quite than usual. I started feeling sad, i didnt want to lose him. I told him to tell me if he wasnt interested anymore or didnt want to continue dating. He said he was just figuring out himself. On March 18th saw him again and it was the last time i saw him, i texted him he didnt reply at that moment i thought he was ignoring me, avoiding me, he texted me back he said he wasnt. I felt he didnt want to talk to me or hang out anymore it was killing me i didnt know if i did anything wrong, he told me there was not a thing wrong with me that it was all him and he wasnt ready. i told him i had faith we will end up together i had hope he would shop up at my door and tell me he wanted to give it a chance. He said maybe someday, he wasnt ready yet, but he wasnt going to disappear or quit talking to me. That was his last text. He completely ignored me, I didnt know why, i didnt know what happened or what i did wrong. I still havent gotten a text from him. I did everything i could to be together. This is the first time I was in a relationship with a guy, I never thought i could love someone, i never thought i could love a guy this much. I accepted all these feelings, I was ready to tell my family if i had to. Its almost two weeks since he ignored me, his silence is killing me, he didnt give me the gift of closure. I dont know what hurts more to feel that i lost him, to have accepted all these emotions or to be ignored and i dont know why or what happened or if i didnt anything wrong. This is the first time i feel this, the first time i suffer for someone. This is the first time i love someone and it was a guy. And the worse thing is that i still have hope that he will show up at my door, i hope he is just figuring out himself to finally be ready and start something with me. He will be ready someday, he will give someone a chance, i wish that someone was me, i wish it was me the one to make him happy. I love him, he will always be my white guy, the one who brought light into my life.



April 10, 2015 @ (vijayawada)

Tags: Love, break-up, back together.

Most people who have broken up with their partners, have tried to get back together. Whether from fear, whether from frustration of meeting someone new, I cannot say.
I have broken up with women and after some time - a week, a month - we have tried again. It’s funny how we always tell ourselves: "I will not do it again." We promise a lot of things, but there always comes a time that the old problems, in most cases unresolved or misunderstood, emerge again.
A person comes in the life of another in order to learn from one another. The breakups happen in order to teach the partners something. If "the beloved ones" do not pay attention to this life lesson, they will surely make exactly the same mistakes in the next relationships. The most common problem, I think, is that people wear a mask. You liked the external first and then looked inside the shell. Fallen in love. But to keep the attention of your loved one you’ve been doing things that in some cases, they did not like. You wear a mask, just to prove yourself you are good enough for them.
So the two lovers begin to live life together in a lie.
From my experience I would say that in a relationship, including my own, one of the partners loves the other one more. One always feels ignored by the other. You are going restaurants, theaters, film screenings, etc.., which you do not want to, but you do just to please your partner. It happens so that there comes a point where you forget who you are. You no longer go out with your friends, stay away from things that you’ve previously enjoyed and activities which made you say things like: "No one can make me stop playing on Saturdays..!"
But why does it happen so? Most likely you've been so in love with the person next to you that you were ready to do everything for him.
So you’ve got that person in your life. You’ve achieved your target by wearing the fake mask. Now what? Time passes and you start to thing you’ve made some wrong decisions. Now your friends do not call. You are deadlock. And you wonder how it came to here.
Even your mates can feel that things are wrong. You argue and quarrel very often but both don’t have the courage to admit what the real problem is. Namely, both have forgotten who you are. In order not to quarrel for "trifles", you put aside your interests to try make your relationship better. Now, you both stay at home, doing some nasty things, monotonous, you do not feel but only satisfy your needs.
And there comes a point where you say: "I cannot go on like this!”. You split with mixed feelings, without even thinking. No longer want to see the other person and you say that true love is there only in the movies. You close yourself to others.
But a month passes and you begin to feel the need to satisfy "needs." You start meeting with different people. You say to yourself, "Life is life!" Clubs, bars, restaurants, cool promiscuity. You feel the euphoria and cannot stop. The effect wears off quickly...
You meet new girl in the college or in the streets. She is the personification of everything you dreamed of. And fall in love… And history repeats itself...!
Stop thinking so much! Be yourself! As much as you like a person, above all love yourself! No, do not be selfish, but do not forget yourself. If a person does not feel happy inside, he cannot be really happy. If people could be paused in their hectic life for a moment and asked what they really love to do, to follow and achieve their childhood dreams, the world would be a wonderful place. Be the Change...!!!



April 08, 2015 @ (Croatia)

Tags: Bad breakup, Cruel, Depressive

About 2 years ago I met a girl that at the time I thought was the cutest and funniest girl I have ever met. We met through my brother because he knew her sister really well. She came down to my town for college and we really hooked up at the beginning, and I actually thought she could be the one. We had great time together, we played video games, watched movies, went out, all the classic things. And, I must be honest, I lost my virginity to her, and that first time for me was amasing, she really showed a lot of affection towards me and at the time I was quite a loner and she was practically my first real girlfriend. I did everything for her, just as she did everything she could for me.
The backstory of it all is that I suffer from depression and at the time I took antidepressives at a weekly basis because I was a wreck most of the time. With her I finally felt special,I felt needed and loved, the thing I most desired at the time. While I was with her I stopped taking antidepressives because I didnt need them when I was around her, but I never told her about my condition for I didnt want her to worry about it. After about a year and a half she stopped returning most of my phone calls, she stopped caring about me and she even despised the fact that I loved her. She would say things like, I never show emotions to other people, I am not a girl for long relationships and so on, even though she was the first one to say that she loves me.
One day I went to two funerals that were out of town, one was my cousins and the other a really good friend. I came home feeling really sad and I called her hoping she could make it better. She answered the phone, we talked a bit but she sounded all a bit too distant, I got mad at the fact that she cant give me any support in this, and after a brief fight over the phone, she said we should end it. At the time I actually supported the idea, because I felt no emotions that night, I was an empty shell, but when I laid down in bed I just broke, I cried myself to sleep.
I eventually took all the things I had at her place, and I moved on, the good thing that came out of it is that I dont take medication any more, I broke all contact with her because I felt that is was the change I needed at the time. Anyways, I feel better now, it all happened about a month ago, and it all seems so distant right now, all I can say for the end, Im happy for the good memories.



March 30, 2015 @ (The Netherlands)

Tags: bad breakup fml

Okay, so me and this girl were together for about 9 months when she started to become very distant in comparison to how our relationship was in its earlier stages. We had something really special and she used to tell me that all the time. She was my first love and I honestly haven't been able to feel the same way again. It has been two years now.

So what happened was...
She and I had been in a fight because I saw her texting some guy I knew she had a past with. When I confronted her, she lied and said she wasn't texting him. I got mad and we started fighting. The next day, I'm in the train on my way back home from college and we are still fighting. Suddenly she says she wants to break up. I had not yet realised that this would be the definite end. I asked her if I could come by and pick up my stuff. She said it was okay. So I was thinking, i'll try and talk to her and fix things, because talking about it in person would be a lot better for a matter like this.

I show up at her house to pick up my stuff and her dad opens the door. He hands me my shit and off I go. I then realise my first love has come to an end and my first heartbreak is a fact.

In the months after, I couldn't bear seeing her, and if I did see her I'd panic, run off and eventually cry.

Half a year later, come to find out she had been fucking the guy she was texting AND a 'friend' of mine.



March 28, 2015 @ (Brazil)

Tags: bad breakup, first love

Started dating this guy in December 2013, and he was the best person I've ever met. I've never felt the things I did when I was around him. He shared his deepest secrets and so did I. I didn't use to believe in love before him, but he managed to make me do it. He said he would never abandon me and I believed it after half a year. He never betrayed me, he never lied to me. The only time he did was when he said he wouldn't give up on me.
I thought things were going great. He even said he loved me that morning, like he always did. But at night he texted and said he needed a time to think. He wanted a break. I asked why and he said it was because of school and as we only saw each other on weekends, he couldn't take it anymore. I cried my eyes out.
Two days after he said we were done, he just didn't want to be with me anymore, but I'm a great person and he still wanted to be friends.
We continued talking like we always did, but now there was pain. I still don't get the point. One day he said he still loved me, the next day he said he didn't know anymore.
Yesterday he asked me out again, and I said yes because I'm desperate to see him again. Today in the morning he cancelled it because he didn't want to.
I can't stop crying. I want him to stop throwing me around like I'm his toy. I want him back so bad. I don't understand.



March 25, 2015 @ (United States)

Tags: Heartbroken

I knew we were going to be together the first time I saw her. She was my first real girlfriend and my first love. I never cared about anyone more. I thought she was perfect. After 7 months she wanted to break up with me out of the blue. Worst timing too. I had recently lost my job for something I didnt do, got kicked out of my classes because I forgot to pay on time, and my parents left to go on a 2 month road trip. I was home alone, I had nothing. She said that I was the only thing that made her happy and she wanted to be happy with herself before she could be happy with someone else. I was devastated. It was the first time I had really cried. I felt betrayed and thrown away like trash. Everything we had, gone. I told her we can do this together but she had already made up her mind. I still think about her every day.



March 01, 2015 @ (Malaysia )

Tags: LDR\'s not my thing

My life was perfect until I met Srishti. I knew Srishti for quite some time, however I never liked her neither did I crave for her attention. My friends how we've teased me with her as she had proposed me(it was a dare given by her friend). At first it did not affect me at all as I had a wonderful girlfriend. One night as usual Srishti and I were chatting on Whatsapp. For some reason we began to talk about kisses and we decided that we would kiss each other. At first I thought of it as a prank and came up to her and asked for a kiss. However this prank did not remain a prank anymore and she really kissed me. I had goosebumps all over my body and I felt as if I was on cloud 9. After a while I felt awful as I already had a girlfriend and I basically cheated on her. Srishti and I began to meet up on regular basis and our kissing still continued. She also had a boyfriend at that time and we did not realize that what we did could give a spark to a beautiful relationship.

After a while I broke up with my girlfriend as I really wanted Srishti to be a part of my life. On 15th September 2014 I started dating Srishti. At first things were great. As time passed and since now I got to know her even better I realized she flirted a lot with boys. She gave her number to a guy she doesn't know personally and is a friend of our best friend. I had to step in so I started putting restrictions on her because I cared for her and loved her unconditionally.(im a very over possessive boy) I had never cried for a girl in my life before.Life got interesting with her because we always had common interests, we shared everything about each other, we never hid things, we just could wait to see each other. I mean her cute face, lovely smile,breath taking kiss..I felt special when I was with her. I never admitted this infront of her but I WAS INDEED THE LUCKIEST GUY TO HAVE HER AS MY GIRLFRIEND.She cared for me, she was there for me when I needed her. I just never showed the appreciation. All I ever did was scold her for her flaws. And now I realize that what I did was the most awful thing. Today her dad decided to send her to another university and me being insecure and not trusting her sadly had to break up with her. The moment we broke up I burst into tears. I still have watery eyes.



February 18, 2015 @ (USA)

Tags: bad breakup

I was dating a guy and right after we got to third base, he told me he was still a virgin and broke up with me because he felt like he's betraying God. we didn't even have sex.


Stupid Love

February 01, 2015 @ (United States)

Tags: cheater, living together, breakup, stupid, jerk

So, I was relocating closer to work and decided to move in with three of my coworkers. Two of which I knew and the third I did not know. So, third unknown guy and I meet. Instant sparks. We ended up hooking up that night, we were drunk and I just split from my loser ex. From then on we hooked up practically every night and finally asked me to be his girlfriend, swell not what I was looking for but I was really into him. The first red flag that I should have taken as BREAK UP WITH HIM was when I got a weird feeling and looked at his phone. The same night he said he was too tired to hang with me he went over some girl’s house at 3am and she could “barely walk the next day”. He said it was just a joke and they have known each other forever. I must be brain dead to have believed that but I did. After a couple of months we decide to go look at a really cute puppy. It was love at first lick. Everything was great but the lease ended soon. So boyfriend and I decide to move in together. He cheats on me… while I was visiting my nana. It was some girl from work.
The kicker is I get another weird feeling and snoop again he did not even have the balls to tell me himself (bad, I know but this guy is making me nuts). I finally get a confession out of the bastard. I forgive him, like an idiot, we cry together and spoon. I find out he is still getting kissy with her at work and even put her in his phone with a guy name. He swears he will change yada yada yada. I believe him… again like an idiot. For his Birthday I took him to a Sox game and got a hotel room in Boston. For my birthday I waited all night in the ER while he had minor surgery (not his fault) and slept in the room with him at his request. A few weeks go by and I’m asked to house/dog sit for his parents while they go away. Bored, I check my facebook messages and come across something I have never seen before.
Apparently boyfriend decided to text his high school girlfriend on my birthday that he loved her and wanted to come over to “feel better”. I don’t dump him. Yes I know I’m a dumb schmuck. I found him on tinder and he practically ripped his phone from my hands so I wouldn’t see his messages. Then I find him on plenty of fish. I ask what hes doing on there he says it’s a joke. Guess what I find… another plenty of fish profile!!! In his email I find his reply to an adult film ad saying he is the next up and coming star. I asked him to take me on a date, even a free date, never did it. I’m getting fed up at this point but for some reason, maybe it’s the dog and the house I just can’t let him go. My very last straw before plunging into irreversible insanity?
I had been feeling like he wasn’t working but he told me he was. So, being me, I call and ask for him. He is no longer with the company. I call him, he slept at his parents house, and ask if hes working today. Come on baby redeem yourself. Guess what his response was, notice a pattern here? He was like yeah I’m working. That is when I was like enough is enough… although I should have said that a very long time ago. I would have saved myself a lot of tears and heartache. It was my first serious relationship and I thought I was seriously in love and vice versa. What I don’t get is whenever I would talk about ending it he would convince me I was the only one in his world. Moral of the story, don’t be like me, red flags-know them and run like hell, and no matter what you deserve respect and trust in your man.



January 31, 2015 @ (Northeast US)

Tags: Whoodini

A few weeks ago I experienced a break-up. Except it wasn't really a break-up. The man with whom I felt I was falling in love with and whom I sincerely felt was in love with me....disappeared. I reached out to him twice within a week after his whoodini act, and have not received a response. Its as if he just evaporated. I feel like I've been imagining all the time that we spent together, all the mornings we woke up cuddling and all the amazingly passionate nights that we shared.

Where is my boyfriend????

I'm writing because I am confused and would like to share a bit of my story. I was aggressively pursued by a sensitive, attractive, fun and interesting guy. I didn't do any of the pursuing, it was all on his end. After 5 months of dating him and him telling me he wanted to spend his life with me and loved me, and took me out, and dinners, and drinks, and fun and blah blah blah....we spent New Years together and the next week he prepared this amazing "honeymoon night" in his apartment with candle and tea and incense, and everything perfect. He gave my a gift after we had sex and we cuddled and had a fun night...

We kissed in the morning and said goodbye.

I haven't heard from him since. This was a month ago. I'm totally confused and angry that I was sold on this bologna. After 5 months of dating. I don't understand. I now want to send him a message and tell him off and call him out on his lunacy, but I am stopping myself. I have so many questions. So much to say, but I don't want to give him the satisfaction of even knowing that I'm giving him one more second of my thoughts.

I seriously feel like I hate him right now. I hope he is miserable and I hope that he has the worst Valentine's Day ever. I hope he realizes what a coward he is for not breaking things off more respectfully. I feel hurt, confused, and disrespected.

I want to move on, but its hard when you don't have a real ending, and so many questions. I know I deserve more, but I was just blindsided!! I didn't even really like him that much until recently.

Moreover, I hope this experience makes me more aware in the future, and I hope I am able to grow from this. I'm happy to share my story and know that I am not alone. None of us are. There is someone better out there, but in the mean time, it is not easy.