
February 16, 2016 @ (Romania)

Tags: Bad breakup

I loved this girl so much that now it hurts i was woth her for 3 years we were fighting from time to time because she had a temper and i was always the nice person in the relation but recently our problems greBecause my brother is living with us no actually she lives with me and my brother wich he never complained about her even though she doesnt pay rent or pay but he complains about how messy he is and non organised he is and she hates it so she gets nervous on meand we fight i told her that i will move out with you when the time is ready and live just me and her and i promised her that but ihad second thoughts i can not leave my brother for a girl that she doesnt like him if she really loves me she would understand and wait at least till my brother finishes his university and after we have plenty of time together she wanted to move immediately so we fought almost all the time so i broke up with her like 1 month ago but i cant stop thinking about jer cuz i ttuely loved her and she was the worst girlfriend i ever had wich is i cant explain i jsut want to move on why i can't



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