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45 Results For 'jerk'


June 06, 2017 @ (Tampa )

Tags: Worst break up ever

It was doing perfectily fine. Which is what I thought. But I heard he was thinking about ending it because he had no time to hang out in the summer because of baseball. So I decided to bring it up via text. He totally denied he ever said anything about breaking up with me even though my friends said he was talking about it. The next day he ends it over text saying he doesn't want to date and likes someone else. I was miserable. The next day, asks out another girl. The. Next. Day. Total jerk.



April 02, 2017 @ (Canada)

Tags: Betrayal

I was in a serious relationship when I was 18. My gf had a lot of guy friends. I didn't fully understand it but tried to accept it. One day her male friend (a few yrs older) invited her out for lunch with him and his business partner. Upon getting back my gf called me to tell me her friend's partner came onto her. Insisting that she dumps me as he will treat her like a real man. He has money, drives a bmw, etc. My gfsaid no and loves me more than anything. I commended her as this guy seemed like a jerk.

A week later my gf calls me out of the blue, telling me Im possessive and controlling and she doesnt want to be with me anymore. I was so dumbfounded. I plead with her, tried explaining myself only to be shot down and blamed for something else. She got off the phone and I was devasteted. I struggled for closure and anytime I reached out to her she would either ignore me or would callously blame my attempt for closure as being controlling.

In my last attempt I wrote her a heart-felt letter and delivered it to her home personally one night. I pulled upto her drive only to notice her standing there. I got out and said I just wanted to deliver her a letter and be on my way. She surprisingly was very spunky. "Hey! How are u? Im just waiting for my friend, we are going out for the night" after 2 min of small talk we hear a peeling out around the corner. Guess who comes ripping up the street? "my friend is here gotta go!" She got in the car and was gone.

Instant betrayal.


Anonymous Gal

March 01, 2017 @ (Singapore)

Tags: #breakup

When I was in university, I went on exchange overseas. Being a shy and quiet girl, I was prepared to spend the 4 months there alone by myself and doing things independently. Perhaps, god loves to spoil your plans because I ended up spending almost all my time with a boy from another country that I met there. I don't usually get along easily with people but somehow we just clicked and I really enjoyed his company. Though it wasn't by any means official, he started treating me the way you would your girlfriend. He sweet-talked me by calling me the "prettiest girl", persuading me to run errands for him, and I started to think something was amiss because it appeared that he was spending all his time when he was not with me, with another girl. I started to be very skeptical and suspicious of him though I had already fallen for him. Soon I noticed that this girl appeared to be runniing the errands he asked me to run for him.
Then she mocked me with him one day and making it very clear that she didn't want him or herself anywhere near me, when I met up with him later that day... He pretended like nothing had happened and even asked me to accompany him one on one to day trips to various tourist destinations. One day, he even asked me out and tried to persuade me into entering a sexual relationship with no strings attached. I was shocked because I was a very good girl who never had a boyfriend and I had never heard of anything like that. He dropped the idea perhaps knowing he had gone too far. I started to plan to dump him.
We had already signed up for two tours together to see some interesting sights so I planned to dump him after the tours. I made up my mind not to have anything to do with him.
It would have ended like that but no, he started messaging me and asking me out again. I told him straight in the face my issues and highlighted to him that "I may like him" because of the way he behaved. He had the cheek to act like he was attracted to me. Staring deeply into my eyes and telling me to "chase him, buy him something"
I obviously would not do that.
He and his other girlfriend were as close as ever and mocking, intentionally avoiding me when together refusing to sit with me in the dining hall.
I decided to try my best to find out what was going on. Was he cheating on, doing things behind my back he knew would hurt me and lying to me? I asked him if he was together with the girl. He denied it vehemently.
Finally, the day when it all ended came. We were friends on MSN and I decided to prank him in a final effort to find out the truth. I mock-pretended that I was truly heartbroken to fool him in hope of him telling me the truth that he had been doing things behind my back. Instead, he replied me by telling me I was never his friend and that he could not be bothered should anything happen to me. He denied that he had said those stuff previously and said that he said some of them to intentionally hurt my feelings. I was outraged!
Recently, I found out he was getting married to that girl. He had been lying, cheating on me outright. I had no buisiness to be his girlfriend, I entered his life wanting to be his friend because we could get along. He was the one who started behaving like I was his girlfriend. He did things behind my back that he knew would hurt me but he still did it. I have no words for such a disgusting jerk.



February 05, 2017 @ (California)

Tags: Breakup

Well 2 years ago well this will sound pathetic but whatever anyways 2 years ago I met this girl on call of duty now I know what you're thinking but still read on. We met each other in a zombies game and immediately hit it off so a year or so passes then I admit O actually liked her and she liked me but at first I didnt think it would last long but still the more we texted Skype in video chats and long conversations we went to the point of loving each other however, I joined the army and couldn't talk to her as much we both were about 17 and since I was in the military I asked of we could wait until I finally got home. Then once home she started to ignore me more and more ignoring my messages and when I asked her out she said "I dont want a relationship right now im sorry" it was heartbreaking but being the patient man O am I said ok but then weeks later I found out she fell in absolute love with my best friend who was a complete jerk to her ive seen how they texted each other and he says mean things and even though our long distance guess where my friend lives. Canada and she's living i. Arkansas I was absolutely furious then but then way before this occured I said I would pay an expensive plane ticket to see you graduate as soon as my honerable discharge comes through but she said it wouldn't work and now I know why keep in mind I said I would do this and sooo much more for her but she leaves now almost two years of a man who treats her beyond fairly like a queen yet she throws me to the side for a jerk who she knew at the time of their first dating week only two weeks TWO weeks let alone my 2 years what should I do we rarely text but if they break up she'll have nobody do I cut her off or be friends with her?



December 08, 2016 @ (Virginia )

Tags: Bad breakup heartache 💔💔💔💔

We were together for 3 years and it just went down in flames. Since we are southern down here we went catfishing all summer. The first time I got to see him this summer was when we went fishing and he act like he never loved me. All he done was ignore me all night then finally I walk up to him and I ask what his problem is and he tells me I'm too young for him. We were 4 years apart. I watched him flirt with other girls every night literally. He just laughed at me and so one night I punched him in the jaw and it felt really good. Then I thought I was done seeing him for good but he showed up at the lake and he just stared all night. I cried so much this summer. The sad thing is, is that he was the one person I depended on to make me laugh but this summer he was the one who made me cry my eyes out. He is the reason I do not believe in love. I still see him often in fact today he came to my house and it got awkward. I miss him but he is such a coward and a jerk. He taught me some lessons I will never forget and taught me to not let my expectations cause my heartaches because that is exactly what happened here. I depended on someone who I thought could make it better but he was just like he others. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭



November 06, 2016 @ ((Around))

Tags: Bad breakup, betrayal, BoysAreTurds

Okay so two years ago I met this guy and when I first met him I absolutely hated him. He was obnoxious and irritating and got under your skin on purpose!! UGH! But, as life would have it, our seating charts in classes started putting us close to each other, so we began talking. And he surprised me by not being as bad as I had thought. We ended up becoming best friends somehow and he kept me smiling. I quickly realized I had caught feelings for him (how, I have no idea. I hadn't imagined myself as one to fall for an arrogant, popular guy). And, well, soon we started dating. We grew closer and I knew I had fallen for him bad. But sometimes it was as if he knew but didn't even care. Some days he would just be a total jerk to me, or (yeah, even better) I would find him flirting with another girl. I brought up these things to him and we ended up getting in a big fight about it. In the end, he yelled "Maybe we should just break up!" and I said okay. and he said okay. And he's moved on since.



September 04, 2016 @ (UK)

Tags: Bad breakup

Dating for 4 months. In the middle I stopped seeing him and he persuaded me to give us a chance. Then we were getting closer and closer and I think I fell in love with him. I didn't want things to become too serious to scare him, so I just dated him once a week for two weeks. I asked him out but he's always busy and turned out that when he finished work he hung out with others but didn't come to see me! I texted him saying it's over. Seemed extremely okay for him. Then the next day I asked to talk. He didn't care at all and said would swing by if he had time. What a jerk. I love him. How can he treat me like that!


Little Blue Turtle

August 17, 2016 @ (Texas)

Tags: Bad breakup, Jerk, Easy girl at party, his loss

Soo I met this guy and he seemed perfect. I had been on 5 or 6 super sucky dates before him, so when he came along all charming, I said ok let's keep dating. Long story short, he has a record. I accepted it because I liked him so much. We spent so much time together, we were official after 3 days and we talked about everything and anything. I let my walls down. I feel for him completley. Months pass by and I was with him through it all, the court stuff, sentencing, jail time. I visited him in jail spent time with his family, the whole nine yards. When he came out things were back to normal. We talked about our future and everything. 3 weeks ago my roommate and I had a liitle "house warming" new apartment. She invited a coworker, I invited my boyfriend of course, and all our other friends. 2 weeks ago he dumps me, saying that I call/text too much. I am obviously devestaded. I was working on moving on, then a few days ago that stupid coworker my friend invited to our party tells her that she and my boyfriend exchanged numbers the night of the party. He called that bitch up after he dumped me and took her on a date only a week after he ended things. I am heartbroken. I have never felt this low in my life. I did not deserve this and he and her are such punks for what they did. She's an idiot for going on a date with him and he's an asshole for calling her up. We just talked today and I told him everything of how the stuff he did was so messed up. Why talk about the future if you are going to dump me? Why call that dumb girl up a week after we ended things, if you supposedly cared about me? After everything we had been through together. It is just so messed up. This one will be tough to get over, but I have to, he is just not worth it. Moral of the story, bitches are shady, and there are wolves in sheep's clothing.



May 21, 2016 @ (whatevs )

Tags: truth

When your shitty ass boyfriend breaks up with you, you get so depressed that you don't even remember what big of a jerk he was. And after you move on you realize all the awful thing he has done to you.



January 31, 2016 @ (england)

Tags: good break up

I know everyone is hear to share their breakup story. I have a break up story but I am not hurt. This time I am relieved, I feel happy, I feel secure. I feel like many more doors have opened when I closed one door. My Ex. I still dont know if he love me but he had been playing sick games with me for the past couple of years. Finally I decided I was sick and tired of him and I told him I was leaving. Honesly If you are not getting the love and care and repect that you deserve in a relationsip then srew eveything .Who cares about how rick he is , how good looking he is, how secure your future is going to be .What matters is are you really happy..Ask your self? BE happy and makre sure you are getting the above three things.Life is too short to spend with a jerk who dosent know what he has.


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