
September 21, 2016 @ (Saipan)

Tags: Religion, Too Young

It was the most perfect relationship. Met in 5th grade and had a crush on each other. Saw each other in high school and ended up going out since freshmen year of 2011. Shared our first kiss together under the rain... all first experiences together. He went to the airforce after high school while I continued college and did long distance for one year. He cheated the first year but 3 months the following summer with him couldn't compare to the 4 years we've been together, that completely changed him to a better person. You know when they say that cheaters don't change? He did and he became a better person. We've never loved each other so much and the sparks between us were on fire during those 3 months. We knew what we wanted and we were ready for marriage in the future.

However, right after that summer, I began to withdraw from the religion, Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church of Christ), which meant more than anything to him. He invited me to his church and I believed in the teachings until later this year when I realized that this wasn't for me. We overcame so many problems but this one was overboard and we just couldn't handle it. We handled two years of long distance, cheating, fighting, and growing in our differences but religion was something he valued a lot. We were also young and needed to explore. The breakup was the hardest between us and everyone in our home knew about us. We were voted as, "Cutest couple" in our class and everyone rooted for us. But really.. sometimes love is not enough.

However, through it all. Through all the good and hard times, we still respect and love each other so much but this time of our lives, this could be the biggest mistake we ever made or the best decision... only time will tell.



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