
November 21, 2009 @ (NY)

Tags: parents, newyork

Well his parents hated me. Whenever we were with them they would make little comments. Mostly it was his mother, but you could just feel the hatred. I really think this was an unfounded hatred. In the past he never really paid too much attention to what she's had to say, but after this last trip i watch her pull him over and start talking about us. she gave me one of those glares as she he started to talk. It wasn't more than a week later that He ended up breaking up with me. He never would give me an answer to what she said. I have no idea what she could have said. I never cheated on him, or anything. We fought every once in a while, but nothing even close to a blowout fight. I mean if he was that big of a mama's boy, thank god i got out now! How's that for a breakup story! Ball less bastard



Comment on this breakup


November 27, 2009

Same thing happened to me.



November 23, 2009

you probably treated him like a piece of crap and they all got fed up with your bullshit