Karma Is A Bitch

September 13, 2017 @ (Quito)

Tags: bad break up, friendzone, karma

Ok, first, sorry for my broken english.

I met this girl in college, when we were 18, so I did my best to get her to like me, we were friends and I felt weird because I was falling for her really deeply, fast forward 7 years; we graduate from college, during that time she had at least 5 boyfriends (and some sex friends) while I was alwas at her side, we spend a lot of time together in that time, I used to help her with homeworks study and stuff; even I helped Her with her tesis; one day she tell our group of friends she broke up whit her current boyfriend.

So I decided that was my chance, but one day I texted her using sweet names like princes and all that stuff; and she texted me back: "I really like the way you treat me, but my boyfriend got mad, so please dont' treat me that way in texts".

I was devasted, I didn't knew they went back, so I decided It was enough, I remember like It was yesterday. I just stopped talking or texting her, and when she finally decided to ask me what happened (3 weeks later and she only texted me because she needed help with her tesis again) I told her the truth; I told her my feelings for her and I told her I wanted her to be happy and decided to leave.

So of course I was the liar, the fake friend, she said she couln't believe I lied her all these years and even she told me she never used me as I told her (even when all my friends told me "she is using you idiot", litterally with that words) and she did nothing else; we never speak again, I letf and she did nothing about it, and is really hard because we have common friends.

So yes, she broke my heart, she didin't give a crap about what I felt for her, and all 7 years or my life went rigth into the trash can, all my friends tol me she was using me and actually teke my side in this story.

Then she met Karma.

She broke up with her boyfriend, dated 2 more guys and finally got married with a guy she met at work, this guy has a child with another woman, and this other woman is crazy, so the girl I love (yes, I still love her) had to take care of the kid, and she has ugly fights with the mother of the kid (she even got hit in the head with a phone, they both ended in the police station).

Even worse, she and her husband don´t have a place of their own, they live in his parents house (My first thougth: wow they can't even pay rent) and my friends always tell me when she has problems in her marriage, she was unemployed for a while, and she even wrote a post on facebbok about her husband's ex and the problemns they had (my friends showed me the post) I don't know how to feel for her.

And me? Well, I got my law degree; I moved from my parents house, got a decent job, and I'm proud to anounce that I'm buying a house of my own.

So, yeah, karma is a bitch !!!!



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