Mike Hawke

December 24, 2010 @ (Arizona)

Tags: christmas, secretary

I am currently at my girl friends house, using her computer. Its Christmas Eve, and she's sleeping on the couch cause we just got done having sex all night. SO, here comes the break up!

She doesn't know but I have been sleeping with her secretary, Tiffany, for the last two months. We met at the Halloween party, and when I said I was giving "Randy" a ride home, I had actually taken Tiff back to our house and screwed her in our bed. (yes honey, on those sheets you bought in Italy.) Now you know why they smelled like Chanel, when you wear DKNY.

So, later when I leave this web page open, and tell you I'm going to the store for cigarettes and you begin to wonder why I don't come back and wont answer my phone, Its because I'm spending Christmas at Tiff's house and I'm dumping your Dean and Deluca gobbling fat ass!

By the way, Tiff says she's giving her notice and good luck finding a new secretary you "slave driving bitch".

Oh, and if you want to know the "why", remember how you said your career was more important than having kids or even me? Well, our baby (Tiff's and mine)is due in July and we will be expecting a gift! Good luck with that career thing! and MERRY CHRISTMAS! Ho Ho Ho.



Comment on this breakup


July 21, 2012

that is a really low thing to do. ur guna live with this for the rest of ur life.



December 15, 2011

You have some serious fucking issues. PERIOD. I hope your child has FAS you stupid prick. Also I hope your worthless bitch of a GF is cheating on you. Hand delivering you an STI as I write this. Hope your very unhappy.



February 04, 2011

You are among the living dead, tell me, how does it feel to be soulless? Can I get a big, "Oops, I made a major mistake and I am a worthless POS"?



January 23, 2011

How do you feel now that she's dead you asshole? Was this worth it?



January 17, 2011




January 12, 2011

Actually 'toosmartfuhyoo' Karma can happen at any time in this life or the next. You're thinking of Hindu reincarnation when in fact Karma (or Kamma) is a Buddhist concept which is simply the law of cause and effect rather than what you so 'smartly' speak of. Do a bit of research before you get on your high horse.



January 02, 2011

I typed that comment from my iPhone. It auto corrected "hell" to "he'll." Blow me.



January 02, 2011

HEY RETARDS. Karma. Fucking understand it before trying to talk about it. It means what you do in THIS life will be translated into what kind of life you have in your NEXT lfe. Karma doesn't fucking determine what the he'll will happen to you in the next few months. Assholes.



January 01, 2011

im gonna laugh if you girlfriend turns off the computer & never reads this xD but karma is a bitc^ dude.. seriously



December 26, 2010

Its assholes like this that prove my point, ALOT of guys are assholes, and i can be an ass myself, BUT NEVER, EVER to a women, ESPECIALLY someone i went out with, AND said i loved... you should burn in hell, and im hope your happy with your life bastered. btw you shoudnt have sex untill you know what the fuck your doing