July 01, 2011 @ (ab)

Tags: it sucks

We've been on and off for 9 months. So not overly long time but there was so much feeling there that kept us to keep coming back. But the other night, the way it ended. I had this feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was wrong, something was telling me to go to his house. He wasn't replying or talking to me all day. I show up at his house to find him sitting in his ex's car with her. I get out, well I had 2 kids I was watching in the vehicle so I tried to keep my cool but I asked him what the hell he was doing and all he said was he was busy talking so I took off. About a half hour later I get this voice mail that said ' I asked her to come talk to me, I kinda needed her too. I think there's still a chance here and I'm going to talk to her about it so I guess I'll talk to you later' and that was the end of it. Later came and he phoned me and told me that we were never actually dating because it wasnt fb offical. After already a month into it. I didn't think FB was such a huge deal or mattered. That night came he made me wait all night thinking he was going to come talk to me but he never did. The next night he phones me and tells me that this will be the last conversation that we ever have and that he doesn't want to talk to me or have me text him again. He said we were never together and that he wants to be with his ex. Now I'm left broken hearted crying in a hotel room because I had a family wedding to go to that he was suppose to be attending with me.



Comment on this breakup


July 17, 2011

Well he was a douche. Never really together because it wasn't fb official? Bullshit He was using you. I'm sorry that you gave him everything and all he did was take it without a care or regret but what happened,happened and you need to get over him and If he decides that he wants to get back together again tell him no.



July 02, 2011

I guess, but I usually never really date and we were each others actual first relationship. His ex happened in between one of our other break ups. & while he was with her he was calling me teling me how much he wanted to be with me instead and how I was nothing like her. He would always complain about there relationship. & than when he finally has me he doesn't want me all of a sudden. And I not only lost my virginity to him about a week ago but he made me feel worthless. He knew how much that meant to me and if I would have known he didn't think it was an actual relationship I wouldn't have slept with him.


Chico Rush

July 01, 2011

he may have been kind of harsh in the way he did it.and for sure he should have told you in person,and not over the phone, but at least he showed you the respect to tell you the truth and not keep you hanging there in case it didn't work out with his ex.