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October 13, 2009 @ (Norcal)

Tags: left

So me and my ex had met at college, and continued our relationship after. She even moved out to the westcoast to live with me, however 2 months later she says she doesn't feel right being there and what's to go back to her hometown in the midwest. She goes, she's there for a week and tells me it's over. So we stop talking, and she starts caling me again 3 months later, says she wants me to come see her and still loves me, I still have feelings for her so I go. I'm there for 2 days, and she tells me she doesn't love me anymore, and I should leave. So I say I'll get a hotel, cuz my flight doesn't leave for 4 more days, she says no cuz she's worried we'd have sex again(wtf). So I change my flight to the next day for $100 and ask her to take me to the airport, which is 2 hrs away, she says no but she'll take me to the greyhound that night and it goes to the city the airport is in, mind you my flight leaves at 12pm and I'll get to the city at 11pm the night before.. So that's what happened, me in the middle of nowhere, in a city I don't know, heartbroken.



October 13, 2009 @ (Rhode Island)

Tags: cheating, bullshit

I was dating this kid for 2 years. Chances are he'll read this, but I don't really give a damn. He cheated on me 6 months into the relationship, I found out thanks to his best friend. He continued to cheat on me, and we broke up 4 months after that to get back together 4 months later. A year after that he started hiding things again, seeing girls behind my back, and got back into this MMO and talking to "girls", verses talking to me or spending time with me. I broke up with him, again. He started dating his ex, but still seeing me (I didn't know, until 2 months later). I confronted him at work, probably almost got him fired, and told his (now ex, again) girlfriend. The next morning I left his shit outside his house.


Jimmy John

October 13, 2009 @ (Ohio)

Tags: Whore

So I was talking to a girl day and night for about 6 months. SHe had previously liked my friend, but they didnt talk that often, and we talked just about every waking hour. We remained friends for a long time then came my birthday. I was supposed to go to the US Open, but instead stayed up too late talking to her and didnt wanna wake up when it came time to go. Well, to make it up to me she took me out and we finally hooked up. Interestingly enough, as soon as I left she called my best friend and hooked up with him too. ON MY BIRTHDAY. So me and my friend got together, told her to die, and lived happily ever after.



October 13, 2009 @ (PA )

Tags: stupid, financial

So my dirty ex-girlfriend was a year older than me. She wanted me to attend her college no matter what. I was receiving athletic scholarhships to many schools but not hers. Despite the advice from EVERYONE I knew, i declined free school to go with her. She then fucked a bunch of guys then broke up with me in the first semester. After that, she blew/fucked mostly everyone i knew. She then got pregnant by a random fellow.. That all doesn't bother me as much as my monthly school loans.



October 13, 2009 @ (Boston)

Tags: Online whale

I started an online relationship with this women from Canada. After several months of talking online and on the phone she suggested we meet and arranged for me to come visit her. She paid my whole way there. When I finally got there I discovered she had greatly exaggerated her appearance(by a good 100lbs) and that she lived with her family in a small apartment. After suffering threw sex with the whale for a week(with her creepy brother listening in) I finally got out of there and home trying to figure out how to break this off. 1 week later she gave me the perfect out, a ridiculous ultimatum. There is this game I like to play that she doesn't, she thought I was addicted and told me "It's me or the game" I happily said the game and cut off all ties with her



October 13, 2009 @ (TX)

Tags: divorce, kid, life, sucks

After talking to this girl online for a year, we finally get to go out and things go great. Not long after going out with her another time, she tells me she's gotten back with her ex....even though she said she wouldn't. Normally a story would end there, but no. I continue talking to her because I'm not sure how her relationship with her ex is (I assume it's already bad considering what she told me at that time.) Next thing I know, she marries him. Then, she becomes pregnant with his kid, to which her ex leaves her and they divorce (an ugly one, considering the ex was trying to blackmail her into staying with her). Instead of continuing my relationship with her, I end up being her "counselor" during her situation and pretty much ended any hope I had with her.



October 13, 2009 @ (Maryland)

Tags: facebook, internet

So I had this bitch of a girlfriend back in college, but I, being an easy going type of guy, always made excuses for her and we stayed together much longer than we should have. Anyway, we had decided to go see a concert one weekend. Now the Monday before the concert a friend of mine, who had been battling cancer for 3 years, passed away. The funeral was scheduled the day of the concert so I called my gf to explain that I can no longer go. She gets furious about how she already bought the tickets and it is to late to return them. The coup de grâce, however, was when she coldly stated "I don't see why his funeral is so important, you weren't even friends on Facebook." I dumped her there and then on the phone. Now the night before the concert she calls me again, asking me when I'll be there tomorrow for the concert. Confused, I repeated that our relationship was over and I wasn't coming. She, however, thought I was joking. To help her understand, I told her to log onto Facebook (something I rarely do) and I changed our relationship status right in front of her, saying "well it's on Facebook now so it must be true" and hung up.



October 13, 2009 @ (San Antonio, at the time)

Tags: example1

i come home from work and take a nap. me and my wife just had a baby so i was wrecked. i wake up from my nap to go into the living room to see my wife butt ass naked on cam. on the pc screen i see some dudes dick on cam. i guess they knew how to party. i look down and the baby was sleeping up next to her just out of cam range. she giggles and i say fuck this shit and leave to the bar with friends. i come home and ask her if she was all taken care of or something sarcastic like that. she tells me the baby wasnt mine (the baby was the only reason i married her) and that she was cheating on me (i figured that much). we split up that night. fuck that shit right? a few months later i get a letter from the state wanting me to pay child support. because of this i will never get married again. just not worth it.



October 13, 2009 @ (NY)

Tags: evil

MY ex and I were together for over 4 years, married for three. We bought a house together just 8 months ago. My ex pressed for this house even though I did not want it. I did EVERYTHING to get it, and put myself under so much stress that I ended up having a breakdown and losing my well paying job. About a month later my ex tells me "I can't deal with you like this. I have been thinking about leaving for over a year now, and oh, yeah, get out of the house."
That bastard waited until I got him the house (HIS Credit sucked) and lost my job before telling me he thought it was over.



October 13, 2009 @ (Maryland)

Tags: Friend, Voicemail

I was dating a girl for a couple months when out of the blue I get a voicemail after school of her breaking up with me. I was mad that it was a voicemail, but I was all that into the relationship to begin with so we were able to stay friends. A few months later after I had gotten a new girlfriend and the love of my life, she decided to express her feeling for me, saying that she had never actually broken up with me and that it was her friend that left the voicemail.