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305 Results For 'i don'

Boss Ass Bitch

August 28, 2015 @ (Earth )

Tags: bad bitchez

I was dating this guy... wait no I wasn't coz I don't need no basic bitch holding me back #free #fly #fabulous



August 24, 2015 @ (India)

Tags: So sorry!

We were close friends... but eventually friendship turned to love..he loved me soo did I ..after school we got together.. we met once every month, spoke every day...he sent me his pics.. everything was perfect...until now..just a few weeks back in july 2015... i sent him a collage with our pics and a message..after that i was having my important university examination ( Medicine) so i could not call or text him much..but still i felt that he was avoiding me.. in the midst i tried texting and calling him a zillion times... he never answered my calls..neither did he respond to my text messages... but i was not ready to believe that he would cheat on me... i contacted our school friends..i mean we all were pretty close.. i told them that he was doing this..they told me that they have also stopped getting information from him.. i was alarmed.. they said don't worry and don't spoil your exams..thankfully in the midst of so much anxiety i was able to do my most important exams in life..... and he had told one of my friends who called him upon hearing my complains..the truth behind his avoidance.. but she refused to tell me.. because she was scared of me spoiling my exams..i understood that something was terribly wrong..i waited..yesterday at last my exams got over... she called me at 11:00pm... it was a conference call..three friends... she began.. i listened... his parents saw the collage... his mom cried...and stopped talking to him for two days..his dad still doesn't speak to him... he was beaten... they feel that this is not a serious relationship..and that their son is giving me false hopes..iam a doctor..he is studying for Bcom... his mom said all these.. her parents will never are playing with her will never get settled before her..allow her to live... :'( and made him promise upon Holy Quran .. that he won't speak to me or see me again.. he has decided to lead a bachelor life... :( i cried bitterly... i was was he... if he had cheated on me..i could at least hate him.. but we still love each other soo much and yet....i spent sleepless nights..i can't cope....we could not hear each others voices for one last time.. :( ... I don't wanna be any one else's but his... and yes,,, i will wait... i will wait for him... i won't let him go... let me ask my parents when it's time.... the rest I leave to God..... My God had never disappointed me... and I believe in him.. he won't disappoint me any further... Cuz it's our first love.. and I want it to be our first and only love..... <3



July 26, 2015 @ (manila)

Tags: Sad breakup

i met a man that i fall inlove with. But he's always been a player and a womaniser. He hurt me emotionally many times since the beginning. But i still keep believing on him though i have so many doubts. He cheated on me so i decided to break up with him and i never contact him again since we were on long distance relationship at that moment. Every after a week i will receive a message from saying he made a big mistake and he hopes to see me again. Apologising but still i didnt accept him for almost 10 months. All this time im still inlove with him and i really dont know why. I always wish to see him again and be with him. One day he miscalled me and we started talking again. He came to see me right away to make things right, thats what he said. It was good, we were very happy together. Now he have to leave again for few months for work, back to long distance relationship again. I always worry about it coz i know its possible for him to do the same thing he did to me before. He knows how much i wanted him so he took it for granted. Well i found out again that he's entertaining someone other than me, and he's been lying to me all the time. Though he always tell me about being serious about me and promising that someday we will be together marrying me and have kids, everything which is really good to hear. When i found out about the other girl, he goes defensive and everything was messed up. So we decided again to finish the relationship, i dont know why he's the one who gets mad after i found out about what he did. Telling me that i should've not talk to the girl and ask questions about what is going on between them since the girl told me that she's his girlfriend and been talkimg for 2 months already. My ex now tries to make up things about what is really going on. I hate the fact that im so inlove with him that i let him broke my heart into so many pieces. I wanted to forget him.


Eve D

June 28, 2015 @ (Cali)

Tags: Betrayed, hurt, heartache

I dated this boy for a year and a half. We were great together, we spent every day together. He was so crazy in love with me and he did everything for me. About a couple months ago I started to notice a change in him. We started to argue a lot and I finally just realized that he wasn't the one for me. The night we broke up he was at another girls house. And a month later they are together. I guess the reason he was different was because he liked her. I don't understand how you can move on from a year and a half relationship so fast. It makes me question everything. So, while he is out with his new girl and having the best time I am stuck with all the heart ache. Ive never felt so betrayed in my life. The girl was one of my friends. I hope that he gets what is coming towards him one day. I hope one day he hurts as much as I've been hurting. It's getting easier with time, but I still have them days like today where I am angry, hurt and bitter. Has anyone been through anything like this and how did you over come it?



June 19, 2015 @ (London)

Tags: bad breakup, betrayal, work,

I meet this girl at work, she's sexy, interesting, nice, everything I wanted really. I was rarely on shift with her when she started there, and then she takes time off for medical reasons. When she comes back, we get talking and begin to date. Everything's going well, really well; but then one day I realise that I have a lump on my nut sack. Not wanting to worry her, I don't tell her and try to get it checked out. I have to wait for 2 weeks with registering and making an appointment, and in this time I begin to stress out, fearing the worst, as I began to feel ill in other ways (btw all turned out to be nothing). Also during this time, she just suddenly stops texting me (she'd text me all the time when we weren't around each other). I have to make all the effort, and she keeps refusing to see me outside of work, where I just wanna tell her how scared I am of going to the doctors, but don't wanna text her it. When I see her at work I feel as though she doesn't wanna be around me. I knew she'd been talking to some other guy at work too, but he was in a relationship (with another girl at work) and I respected her too much to ever think too much of it. She texts me the night before my doctors appointment, breaking up with me for being distant. I was gutted, however I was given the all clear the next day at the docs, and I text her that day to tell her that I've been distant because of this, and that I still wanna be with her. She doesn't reply, and oddly enough I soon find myself getting over her. She takes a week off work, so I haven't seen her since she ended it. I try talking to her a few days back, just to get some dialog going between us, hoping we could get back together, or at least just not have it awkward between us when she gets back to work. Our convo's just small talk, and I get the impression things are over for good. Then that night things really go to shit, when I get a text off this girl at work. She tells me her bf broke up with her the same day my gf did with me, and then two days later our ex's slept together (these are the same people I mentioned earlier). They'd been texting each other behind our backs for weeks, she knows this having logged onto his fb profile and read the messages between them. 10 mins after receiving this text, I get one off my ex telling me the same thing. I'm livid and don't know what to do. I angrily text her back, insulting the shit out of her. I go into work a couple days later and almost everyone knows the story. Everyone's really supportive and stuff, but when I go in the next day he's there. I didn't know what to do, I wanted to hit him so badly, but I know that if I did, I'd lose my job. He can't even bring himself to look at me. She's got another week off now, and I begin hearing stuff about how much people disliked her and slutty stories people had heard about her. I also find out that people where only nice around her because she was with me. She comes back in just under a week, but I don't know what to do. It's easy for people to say just be the bigger man, but I almost find it embarrassing to go into work now. I wouldn't say she broke my heart, as I never really imagined us being together forever, but I did care for her and loved her, and for her to betray me in this way has just left me feeling shit.



June 13, 2015 @ (Philippines)

Tags: hope, love, time, heartache, pain,

You know what's hard?it's when you wake up one morning and you're no longer wanted. That's how I felt when he broke my heart for a one night stand... AGAIN. My friends think that I'm stupid by staying in a relationship that we all know is doomed the first time he cheated on me. But I can't help it. I love him, more than his mistakes. I thought that if I'm gonna give him a chance he'll change. And he told me he would. I hold on to the hope that I was the one he always wants and need. Then one night as he was sleeping beside me I had this weird feeling that i need to check his phone. I know its my fault. I should not go thru his stuff coz I believe that what you don't know won't hurt you. But I did and hell I found out every thing. He saw me and he knew by the look in my eyes that I'm hurting. I'm not mad and I'm not even sad. I felt like I'm going to explode. Maintaining my calmness I took his had and gave him the phone, I made sure that when he look at the screen he would see everything I saw on his phone. I dressed up and leave but he would not let go of me. He was crying, begging for us to talk and make things right. I can't even say a word. My eyes just burst in tears, my heart beats fast and my breathing starts to be so deep feels like I'm drowning. Maybe I'm drowning with everything. I felt tired and all I want is to sit beside him. He was crying and I never expected him asking for my forgiveness. He was like a child, as I looked at him I felt something breaking inside my soul I feel responsible for the pain he's feeling. I'm not sure why, but it feels like I have to stay...with him and make sure that things will be okay. Maybe someday I will learn to walk away with everything. I'm not sure when and I don't know how but maybe just maybe I can still hold on to that hope that people do change... hopefully for the better.



May 07, 2015 @ (trinidad )

Tags: bad break up

I was 21 when I got into an accident so I was warded for around 3 weeks at the hospital. My boyfriend came to visit me on the Monday of my final week there and spent the entire time with me, he got me fresh roses and food.

His parents and his sister came to see me and they brought a friend along. They introduced me to her and I shaked her hand. Then she turned to my boyfriend and called him "baby" something she said to him that insulted me, I hardly remember what she said. Then she hugged him and kissed him and told him how she didn't expect to see him here.

I was more shocked than hurt, I couldn't even look at them. I started crying and I turned to face the other side of the room.

On top of that, she told him to invite me to their engagement party. WTFFF IS EVEN HAPPENING? ???

I never dated since, he was my first boyfriend and I don't think I got over it yet.



May 03, 2015 @ (bangalore)

Tags: sad

where to start form?i loved him so much it almost took my breath away when we broke up, we dated fr almost 2 years,well it's wasn't a mormal reltationship,he had another gf,i found out almost an year later,decided to leave him,but somewhere couldn't.i don't know weather I was wrong to stick around or I was too much in love?bt I never wanted him to break up wit her n move wit me,i always wated him to b wit a right the time goes on my feelings were getting stronger,but was stuck to move out,i tired to ignored I mean almost everything,but failed,i m not regreat to have meet him in my life,just sad he never was mine,at the we choose to broke up,i hope he will do grt without me,so will I,I wish nothong but the best for him.i



May 01, 2015 @ (Middle east)

Tags: Help

I meet a girl in my work anf i fall in love with her, she treated me very well first and every 15 min at my work she was calling me saying iam dying without you but later on she told me that she has a close friend he is a married guy older than her about 12 years and when i ask her to stop this friendship she feels angry saying i know him since 3 years and his wife my friend too, and she always disappear and just saying goodnight before she sleep, after 1 year we broke up then she called me about 9 times after 2 months from breakup but i ignored her and she send msgs saying why u r not answering i did nothing to you then i send msg saying i dont want u in my life even a friend but guys i feel pain from inside i need advices just to move on thxxx


Ally Marie

April 26, 2015 @ (Canada )

Tags: sad

My ex boyfriend and I started talking after we had played mw3 with mutual friends. we had never met before. At first it was only just texting like friends and then one night I just randomly told him.. whenever I like someone. I tell them. it kinda comes in handy sometimes. but anyways I said to him "look, I know we've never met and stuff but I kinda like you, I don't want to ruin things if you don't feel the same way so if you don't, let's forget about it." he replied with "only kinda..?" and I'm like "more than that". and he told me he felt the same way. we started dating January 17th 2015. we had been dating for maybe five days and my dad drove me to meet him at the movies. he walked over and shook my dads hand and we went to watch American sniper. he kept looking at me throughout the whole movie and smiling. I was so nervous so I kept biting my lip and giggling quietly. he had his arm around me and he kissed my cheek and my forehead a few times. he was so sweet and caring and I honestly fell in love with him. at the end of the movie. we made out and stuff but I had to leave because my dad texted me. once we got to our own homes we talked all night. he was the best guy I've ever met. I love him still more than I've ever loved myself. March 15 he went on vacation. we barley got to talk that day because he was on the plane. after that. a few days later I texted him saying hey and he just read it. so I just left it. the next day I still hadn't heard from him. not even the next. he would just read my messages. so I finally said "do you want to break up? I feel like you have lost feelings for me." he said no and that was it. on the 20th of March we broke up. he accused me of breaking up with him for saying "would it be best if we broke up because you don't seem happy and you seem distant." he got really mad and was like "wow. so we're over?" I said "no? I'm just asking you. I want to be with you". he just ignored it. so. after that there was a lot of fighting and mind games and he was being very rude and blaming me. we broke up after dating for two months. I know it was a short time but I was in love and he said he was too. now still, to this day. April 26th. we still talk. more so fighting rather than talking. he's put me through so much and I've gone to counselling because it's really hard to cope with it. he's called me so many names and I'm still so in love with him. Yes we are young. I'm turning 14 in June and on March 28th he turned 15. but I still love him and I don't find that love has an age. I know a lot of you may blame me for this like he did but yeah.