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459 Results For '2'


January 31, 2011 @ (Philadelphia )

Tags: Hesh1

I met this girl at work and I felt something when I first laid eyes
On her. We were talking for about 7-8 months. I did everything for her, i treated her like any girl would love to be treated. However she's only 20 and I'm 26, I don't know if it's the age thing but it kills
Me I was always there for her and out of no where she tells me she doesn't think i was the one for her, apparently i was funny enough so she says, then I try to talk to her and she then tells me she doesnt think I'm the one. But if only I acted myself around her she would she that I am a fun guy to be around and things could be different but she's being a dick treating me like a ass and I never even cheated on her. Fml



January 23, 2011 @ (cedar rapids, ia)

Tags: example 1, example 2

I was befriended on Facebook by a hot guy who had 10 mutual friends as me. He said in the first message "You look sooooo familiar...blah blah blah..." We talked back n forth via FB and txting for a few weeks before he asked me to come over for dinner (he was cooking). RED FLAG ignored by me!! So I went over (stupidity), we had a great time talking, laughing and had a lot in common. We watched a movie, kissed, and so on. That night on my way home he sent a text: you are wonderful!! we talked and text everyday. He asked me out the next night. It was awesome! Then 2 more days that week we got together. he was talking about taking me places, doing stuff together and how beautiful I was. Well, the day after our last date, I didn't hear from him. I sent a txt, he responded 3 hours later...with no XO's or happy faces. Then I didn't hear from him ALL weekend so I sent him an email monday night asking what's going on in a very friendly way. He responded that I'm a wonderful girl, but something just didn't feel right. I kept him as a friend on FB. Yesterday his status changed to "in a relationship". I'm kicking my own ass for falling for that player. DELETE FRIEND!!! I'm really having a hard time understanding why I was so easy and available to him. He dissed me and it was probably someone he was dating before me. I couldn't believe it!



January 23, 2011 @ (sweden)

Tags: ray

my gd and i broke up after 3 years of relation , we loved each other so much , after the break up we talked to each other and still in contact , and acting like we still in relation, after she knew that i knew that she is dating someone else she called me and cryed and i tell her that her new bf he s ugly, after 2 days i called her to apologise and she was angry and said do not call her again, i just wanna now what she is doing and why she cryed and if she wanna called me again?



January 15, 2011 @ (Wisconsin)

Tags: For, Fred

So, I met this guy on facebook. His name was Fredi. I had a boyfriend already so we were just friends. He used to tell im perfect for him & that im the girl of his dreams.. & i believed him. Later on, I broke up with my boyfriend to be with him. One week later, he came to my house and we made out and he kept on making me take off my clothes and i kept on telling him that no. He said okay. Later he asked me out and I said yeah
After one week, we had sex already. & we kept on having it at least one time a week. But the first time we had it, we used no protection. & i realized i miss my period. Thats when I realized what I did. I had sex with a guy I barely met. I didn't want to do it anymore. I told him that I don't want to have sex anynore. He kept on asking me why. So I told him i missed my period. But really... I didn't know why. Was it because I really didn't love him or because I might be pregnant. We went through 2 weeks without having sex and he sended me a text saying he didn't feel anything for me anymore. I started crying. I can be pregnant with his kid! Im so stupid for believing all his lies. He told me he loved me and that we're gonna last for a long time..and we only lasted for a month. I was scared I might be pregnant & I was sad the whole week. I started smoking & I didn't care about my grades. But Yesterday, I got my period and we barely broke up one week ago. I was so happy. Im going to take this as a learning experience.



December 29, 2010 @ (413)

Tags: 1, 2

Ok, I have been thru hell n back...I met my 1st love @ 15 when I was a freshman in HS n he was a junior. We dated that summer and my sophomore yr I get prego the day I lost my virginity...later I found out he cheated on me w/ his ex n she was prego, exactly 1 mth a head of me...after a paternity test the girl named after him isnt his n we eneded up getting married when I was 19 n him make a veryyyy long story short, i grew insecure. I turned psycho thinking he was always lying n cheating becuz i couldn't believe him...after being on n off for 11 yrs n 2 kids later, i ended it...the ONLY reason y i stayed as long as I did was for my kids...becuz although he was a liar n not cold, he was n still is an amazing father n great provider! on paper we had it all, beautiful house, cars, clothes, n handsome kids, but i was living a lie for my kids n realized i was doing more harm than good by i ended it...he was devastated (especially because the last few yrs he was doing sooo good!!) but my heart wasnt in it anymore...n it hurts to be cheated on, i was so sad n heartbroken, especially being 16 n pregnant...but reading these stories has made me realize how mature i was through out the whole thing...i finished school, graduated w/ honors, worked...i'm on here wanting to read real stories of break ups n it seems that there's just a shit load of little kids on here who have no self respect for themselves! yes i went back to a cheater but that was after mths of no communication n having him prove himself...on here these girls get dumped, then the next day sleeping w/ the dude n wonders y they got dumped again!! Then saying things like "should i keep trying?" or "we're friends w/ benefits still" like how ridiculous do u sound!!! u sound pathetic n then the stories of the girl getting dumped n still sleeping w/ dude KNOWING he doesnt want to be w her n getting pregnant??? WTF!!! someone commented saying it sounds like she did it on purpose n i agree!! girls these days don't respect themselves nor value themselves! they revolve their worlds around douches instead of focusing on school n their futures. its just sooo sad!!! what is happening with these younger generations!!?? I am blessed to have such a wonderful, strong, supportive family who has taught me morals and taught me that i dont need a man to make me happy!! where are these kids parents??? Sorry, had to vent!!



December 22, 2010 @ (Ohio)

Tags: Break up

Ok, well here is my story, Me and my girlfriend were going out for about 3 months, i loved her to death, i would do anything to be with her, Im a nice guy, and i was devoting my life to her, we had great times together, a few days ago we broke up, she dumped me, saying she wasn't ready. i honestly would do anything to get her back, and feel like i used to. I cared about her so much, and we talked almost everyday, but sadly she was always busy and could only spend time with me sometimes, but we talked over the phone everyday. I loved her, and still do, i dont see what went on, i was told that 2 hours before we broke up she was think of a gift to give me for Christmas, because i got her an extremely nice necklace. I feel horrible, and i want her back. any advice to get her to take me back one day. It would just kill me to see her together with a jerk because i treated her like she was everything, and thats what i think scard her away from me.



November 30, 2010 @ (NC)

Tags: Crazy girl, Psycho

So I dated a girl for a little over a year during my freshman and sophomore years at college. She was pretty cool, bit crazy but you know wasn't anything bad at the time. Well she went to college for around 2 weeks and basically lost all control, went crazy on pills and alcohol and parties and ended up sleeping with some random guy. When she confessed she tried to make it seem like it was no big deal by saying, "It's okay, he couldn't even go all the way in before shooting off." So, needless to say, I was feeling hunky dory. I tried to stay with her but it wasn't the same. She was trying way to hard to stay with me and thought that being a sex maniac would fix everything. Negatory. So I sat her down when she came over one day and I said we needed to talk. I explained how I felt. She then said, "Are you breaking up with me?" I responded with, "Yes, I am." She then went wild-eyed and psycho and bellowed, " Are you breaking up with mmmmmmmmmmmMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?!?!" (When she said me, she started out softly then progressively got louder and louder) She then stormed up the stairs and out the front door to her car. She ran past my sister, which led to my sister saying, "Greggggggg, what'd you do (smirk like it was some joke)?" I then sat down with my sister, we watched an episode of the office and laughed heartily.


Kayla Marie

November 29, 2010 @ (Tennessee )

Tags: Boys

Okay so I'm 13 and this guy I'm completely in love with is 15. I met him at my moms old friends apartments becaus he was living there at the time. Well I saw this really amazing guy on this lawn mower and I told my mom he was gorgeous. Well my aunt and mom decided to embarrase me by singing big green tractor. Later that night I was thinking about him constantely. I asked his cousin (moms friend) for his number. Which he gave it to me. I called him and he sounded so cute over the phone. So country. Well we texted fr a while and asked him to send a picture so he did and turns out I thought he was realy ugly. Well he was so sweet .. I texted him just so i wouldn't be mean and he was talking to me while I was sick. Well later on I thought it was annoying so I just ignored his txts. Months went on by, my aunt was moved in at the apartments and so I went to visit here there. Turns out I was dating this other guy and Blake texted me and asked me to meet him outside ". Well first i was scared but I went out and he wouldn't get out and talk to me. He had music full blast on in his truck and so his cousin made him come meet me. Finally I seen him closeup. He was gorgeous. Most amazing guy I had ever laid eyes on. We wen out for a drive with my mom and his cousin. We started talking in the cat, got along very well, then I noticed I started to get flirty. I scooted up very close to him and we looked At eachother phones. We bonded very quickly. After that we was together. Off and on like crazy! I was falling head over hills for him. My aunt let him stay with her one note wen I stayed got 2 hickeys then she tried to cover them up. Me his sister and his little brother got along. We would walk down to the creek a few times and make out in another room in the dark and acted like we seen a mouse but everyone knew better. Later on my mom noticed we was getting very comfortable with eachother. We broke up about a month ago. My fault :( now he won't tlk to ne at all . I think he hates me but I am SOOOO in love with him. I miss him so much and I try my best to get him back but it never works. He is a big and bad country boy who thinks he's all that. I need him. He is still to this day my world and my everything.



November 25, 2010 @ (Michigan)

Tags: 2

My situation is unique for why i have such a shattered heart.... i was with my boyfriend for 6 months...i know its not that long but i loved him more than anything he was my best friend and i trusted him...and he got me pregnant....When i first told him the news he was excited and wanted me to keep the baby. Even though we're both really young and I myself am not ready to be a mother. But because i loved him and i wanted to be with im forever i thought maybe we could make this work. Then the next day he broke up with me through a text messege while i was at work. You can imagine how hurt i was. I couldnt even work the rest of that day because i was soooo hurt and confused. You're probably thinking that hes just an immature 21 year old and yes that is true but i cant shake the horrible heart breaking feeling over this. He will not give me an explination of any sort. He wont talk to me at all.
That's not even the worst part. I found out a week later he has a new girlfriend who has a baby. He is posting facebook status' that say how much he cant stop thinking about his "wife" and "baby" and he is as happy as he has ever been in his life. I know now that i shouldnt have looked at his facebook, and after reading that i promised myself i will NEVER look at it again. Its unbelievably heart breaking to know that he left me to be with that girl who has baby. I felt i had no other choice but to get an abortion. I dont want to be a single mother at this age. I dont think i could do it alone. I am so confused because i dont know what i would have done for him to leave me like that. I dont understand why he would want me to keep our baby then throw me away like trash and then run off with that other girl. He's rubbing my nose in it with those facebook posts. The pain i feel with this is excruciating. While im here miserablely heart broken wondering what i had done wrong he is out there with his new girlfriend he calls his "wife" and hes being a father to her baby. Also that girl he is with changed her last name on facebook to his last name, as if they were married. It is absolutly rediculous because i almost feel like he is doing all of this on purpose to get at me, but i also think maybe is real between them and they really do want to be married after only knowing eachother one week. Well for all i know they could have been going out when me and him were together, but i try not to think of it that way. I do have to mention that he didnt help pay for the abortion after i asked him to. He completely ignored me. So i have talked with his mother about my situation. She is on my side with this which is somewhat comforting but doesnt change what happend...
I dont know what i should do to work past this. I cant stop thinking about it. I have had past relationships and i thought i've been heartbroken before but nothing like this. This is pain i have never felt before and its horrible. I want answers. Everyone says I am young and ill move on and forget about all this over time. I just keep waiting around because maybe he will give me a explination for all of this. I NEVER saw this coming. Me and im were happy together and we also seen eachother every day so what happend makes no sense to me at all. I can imagine he met her one day and then BAM desided to get "married" and be a happy family. It's confusing and i dont understand.



November 03, 2010 @ (Switzerland)

Tags: 2.5years

Me a 24 year old male her a 20 year old girl.

We met one spring day in a park, she asked my group of friends for a pape and things started then ( before you discard us a stoners read on) after about a month of meetings and lunches she made out with me one day before i left for the army. during my year of service my weekend leaves would full of passion, after 1 year of military service we started finally seeing each other much more regularly and shared a beautiful love story for 2 and a half years. during this time she evolved stopped smoking and started dressing really good. me..well i was just me, ill admit I gently started taking her for granted and that was my first mistake.
anyway i now feel betrayed as it is one of my most profound morals is loyalty and loyal i was to the bone,
she ends up making out with another guy and im sitting here broken. i feel back stabbed not only for the cheating issue but especially cus i was there for her to set her back up on her feet during her fuck ups, got her off smoking and into studying for her future, and when i need help to set my life in order she ran off. this is probably the only rational fuel i can use to tell myself she was not right for me, but i cant get her out of my head. its been 2 weeks now sicne the break up things are slowly getting better but still far from the end of the suffering.
A part of me wants her back and yet i know its not the right thing to do.

anyway, for all of you in the same situation iv found a little comfort in thinking about how much worse a break up must be in terms of a divorce where you lose your kids and stuff aswell. all in all its not so bad.