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October 06, 2011 @ (Los Angeles)

Tags: Example 1

My boyfriend and I have been dating for 6 months. There is a fair age difference between us. His 26 and I'm 14 I've known him since I was about 8. I love him more then anything. And he loves me the exact same way. The age difference has always worried us. Everything was going perfectly. But then we had an argument over a phone bill, which he had made after calling my mobile off his parents house phone. I hated it when he spent money on me. Even the slightest bit. He continued to tell me how he was going to pay for it himself. Our relationship was something that no one knew about. And we planned on keeping it that way. It was long distance, but it was a sacrifice we both made. During the argument about the phone bill, he tells me how his mother found out exactly how old I am,after talking to a friend of hers from my home town. He tells me how she refuses to have him live under her roof. at this point I start to cry. Because I knew the outcome. He texted me saying how bad he felt about it, and how he felt like he had broken my heart ( that he did) but he wad going to have to think the situation through, and put our relationship on hold.I didn't reply to that message. And writing this two hours later, I don't plan to. It scares me, because his suffered depression and Suicide has been an outstanding option for him, his always told me that if he ever had to live without me he would kill himself. Lying in bed, I've deleted all his messages, and his number. The only thing stopping us is other people's opinions. I'm worried, and I miss him. I live in a small town, so it wil probably make it's way around anyways.. I really don't know what to do. His so protective, and he hates it when I talk to other boys. Even if it is just a polite conversation. The fact that my bestfriend was a boy means that I've lost him too. At the moment my phones turned off. And I'm just going to stay in bed. Just pray that he makes the right decision.



September 30, 2011 @ (Canda)

Tags: Heartache

I recently broke up with my girlfriend. We had been dating for about 11 months. On our first date she told me she had slept with 25 ment which didnt bother me at first but started to bother me when we kept running into them all the time when we went out (prob 12 differnet guys) The reason i initiated the break up was because she goes out drinking once or twice a week (i used to go with her) and come back at 3 unable to talk or walk she is so drunk. she is permanently on anti depressants, her grandmother is a ragins alcholic, as is her aunt and her dad is a recovering alcohilic. i tried to tell her she had issues with alcohol but she wouldnt accept it. she cut back for a while but started up again. She blacks out almost every time she drinks. I emailed her parents with her consent telling them thaat she needed help and she has just started seeing a counsillor eery two weeks. AFter we broke up we were still texting all the time so I imposed a one week communicaiton ban to see how we both felt. Once the ban was finished we ran into each other in a bar and she said that she still really loved me and that she didnt want to be with anyone else but she just couldnt be with anyone and is convinced she is going to spend her life alone just like her aunt. I told her I loved her but she just kept saying she couldnt be with anyone. She says I deserve so musch better than her. I go home and she stays out to party. The next day I go round to hers to tell her i still love her and will never give up on her. I look through the bedroom window as she wont answer the phone and she is in bed with another guy! i am devastated. She comes out and says they didnt sleep together, just kissed at the bar and then she came home by herself and then he called her after as there was a party in her building and then he had a beer on the couch while she went to bed and then he came and slept in the bed after. Says she kept her nightie on with her underwear. I asked her to swear on my life that nothing sexual happened and she did. She crys for 4 hours the next day and says she so sorry she hurt me and she still loves me. I tell her to neer contact me again. A few days later she sends me a text saying "i just want you to know, i hope your doing ok" I didnt reply No contact since then, that was a few days ago.



September 05, 2011 @ (East Coast)

Tags: text message

I sent my boyfriend of 4 months a text message (while he was at work on a Friday) and I told him that I was tired of being in a one-sided relationship and for him to throw out anything that I had left at his house. Needless to say, he and I never spoke since that infamous text. He had it coming to him though--he never appreciated me and took me for granted.



August 31, 2011 @ (texas)

Tags: example 1, example 2

I'd never know that my ex was still in a relationship when he tried to date me. I wasnt interested at first but seeing his effort made my heart melted. So I accepted him in my life. Everything, of course was great at first until one night when he confessed that he was still in another relationship when we started dating.

I was so mad at first but when he explained that his ex is the one who cheated on him first and he also showed some evidence of it (text from that girl), I decided to forget about it and continued with our relationship since I already fell for him (my first love)

Few months later, I further my study in college which is about 400km from my hometown and thats mean I was away from him and could only met him once a month. While I was away, his ex kept trying to win him back and it really annoyed me to death. He said he got no feeling anymore with this girl.

So I just let it slip through my mind. However, one day, he wrongly sent a message to me which the intended user is his ex. In that msg he showed clearly how he still in love with his ex. Our relationship was on the rock. He accused me to be pushy when in fact I was not. I just demanded to know his whereabouts when he didnt call me for few days.

Next thing I know, he married the girl. and I spent 2 years and a half crying about it, when I finally moved on and didnt think about it anymore, his wife sent me a msg through fb and made me reminisce about the bad old things and made my life miserable again. I just wish that both of them will burn in hell.



August 12, 2011 @ (australia)

Tags: holidays

My boyfriend of almost 4 years broke up with me after coming back from Canada. Before he left, i could see absolutely no problems in our relationship. We were happy, saw each other often and he had used up his saving to buy me a new phone.

During his trip to canada he became distant, deleted me and all our mutual friends off facebook, asked for his space and extended his trip without advising me prior. He came back telling he that he has been seeing other girls.

On the bright side since breaking up, i've scored a date with a doctor however i'm still not over the bastard ...


Nikki G

July 18, 2011 @ (Canada)

Tags: heartbreak, crying, lying

I dated my first boyfriend for 7 months. We loved each other. We did have our ups and downs, but we were always okay in the end. He always spoke about marriage and having a life together and me and him running away together as soon as we got the money. We were both 14. I broke up with him twice because I was going through some stuff like moving out of town and I didn't get to see him often already. The second time he broke out crying saying he loved me. That put me over the edge and I wanted him back sooo bad. Then it turns out because I heard him cry, he found some ugly piece of shit chick. Then one night we were talking and he said he was breaking up with her and getting back together with me. The next morning he lied and said he didn't remember any of it. I cried myself to sleep every night. Now he won't even acknowledge my existence.


Summer Of Love

July 11, 2011 @ (usa)

Tags: firstlove, teen

I was 14 and hadn't ever had a boyfriend. When I found out he did actually like me, we starting falling together. Once it was "official," we were practically inseparable. He was the first guy I'd ever hugged, held hands with, had a arm around me (all romantic firsts of course, I'd hugged guys before, but not like this.) I was even all of those firsts for him, too.

About a month into it, we were at a party late on night and we all decided to play hide-and-go seek tag in the pitch black darkness. I wasn't chosen to be "it," so I ran and hid behind these bushes that I knew were the perfect spot. A couple minutes later, he dove back behind with me, although he didn't know I was there. I moved closer to him and, through the darkness, found his hand. He just whispered "missed you" so softly, and we had only been apart those couple minutes, I just.. fell. He was the nicest, sweetest guy I had ever known. I leaned my head in towards him, and we just kissed. It was one of those "I hope my first kiss goes like this:" stories.

He lived about 15 minutes away, so we weren't together every single day, but that made our time together every couple days even more cherished. Sometimes we'd go to our park and just sit there and talk about everything there is to talk about, for hours! Every time I would have to leave or he'd have to go, we hugged, and kissed each other. It was the best summer I'd ever had.

After a few months, he had become more than just my boyfriend, he q


Once A Cheater Always A Cheater

July 06, 2011 @ (florissant, mo)

Tags: (cheater!!, heart breaker)

i dated my boyfriend for 1 year he was my first love and our relationship was amazing! he always spoiled me whenever he could he was so nice and he always told me he loved me. we always knew since i was only 15 and him 17 that we wouldnt last 4ever. but we did promise each other a few things 1. no dating or hooking up with anyone for a couple months after breaking up. 2.if u cheat on me tell me! 3. we will still be friends after we break up. so as time went on he constantly said i had an attitude about everything he did and we were always getting annoyed with each other we promised we would both work on our flaws but the last month i felt like he didnt care anymore and that he was cheating on me.In that month i always cried at night because i thought he was gonna break up and was cheating on me. He kept picking up more hours at work which kept making me so upset because i missed seeing him and i would get annoyed when he promised 2 hang out with me but worked last min. he never wanted 2 stay the night anymore, he stopped calling, after work he always went to parties he never asked me to go anymore and kept saying he wanted 2 go home 4 alone time but would go out and hangout with his friends. a week after our 1 year anniversary he came over and i was so excited 2 hangout with him but he told me he had 2 work... i was really upset so he left. i got online and his facebook status said about done i asked him if it was about me and then he broke up with me over a facebook message according to him it was because of my attitude and i begged him to give me another chance until a couple days later i found out he was cheating on me when we were dating and as soon as we broke up had sex with a couple girls... all the promises he made me were a lie and he never kept any of them i recently found out he is now talking to another girl that i hate and he always called a whore when we were dating and i am still not over him its only been a week!



May 13, 2011 @ (San Diego)

Tags: 1

This is the second day of a breakup cleanse that I am doing. Yesterday I did not feel as sad as I am feeling today. I feel silly because this guy and I had only gone out for three months and it seems silly to feel so sad. I am 43 and Honestly this is the First time I fell in love. I just felt deeply connected with him and the moment we sat and talked I knew I loved him. It was the strangest feeling I had ever had. It was something deep down within. Also the more I was with him the more I felt as if I was falling in love. Since it was the first time maybe it wasn't supposed to work out I don't know. I know that from our first date he did as I said in my previous post(yesterday) he spoke a lot about his ex. OMINOUS Warning I failed to heed FOR SURE. I know for the future I will run so fast if I see the guy is unavailable. Yet I see with all of the intimacy problems I had had, hence being 43 and NEVER having been in love, there were DEFINITE issues. I see that in many ways he was safe for me to fall in love with. He was amazing with me, and I really do feel that he did care deeply for me. I also got to find out that the feeling of falling in love happened within ME !!! Which is so great because I know it is not all HIM so if he leaves the scene I can still have that LOVE feeling within me. YIPPPPPEEEEEEE for that. I also know that because I love him as much as I feel I do he can be a great friend. I must admit I am still having hopes that it can work out. I will let him go as the saying goes (I am paraphrasing) If you love something set it free if it comes back to you it was yours if it doesn't it never was AAAAHHHHHHH I have tried in the past to hold so tightly to things and it always has caused so much pain. I just want to fall in love and get married, to have a lifelong partner. SO there I am !!!!



April 29, 2011 @ (NY)

Tags: never giving up, lost, confused

It could have been a year. it was 5 days short of a year.

To start off, He was the best, i wouldn't even think twice about that. This was his first relationship so It took us awhile to get comfortable around each other, but after a couple months he was like my best friend. We did a lot together and i thought he was happy, he told me these were the best moments of him life and they were mine. The previous boyfriends i had were assholes. They didn't care about me at all, but He did, which set him aside from the rest and i thought he was different.

About 2 months ago, he started to go into these pensive states where he began to doubt his love for me, but he always talked to me about it and he always decided that his doubts were wrong. I didn't know what i had done to him to do this to me, but he'd never tell me.

Anyways, 2 weeks ago, He came back from vacation and he was sad and quiet. He said he wasnt sure if he could balance school work and me, but i reasoned with him because i love him and i wanted to be with him no matter what and i thought everything was fine. We kissed and he seemed normal, we hung out after school and He seemed just like he had before he left. However, the next 4 days he didnt talk to me, he treated me like a friend and he wouldn't tell me what was wrong. I felt like crap because all of that trust and friendship that we had build wasn't there anymore, and he wouldn't allow me to talk him out of his pensive state. After those 4 days, he agreed to talk to me, and told me he just didn't want to be in a relationship and that he didn't love me anymore. I was in tears, but he just stood there and watched. He isn't the type of person to just watch me in pain, but he starred at me. Before he left, he said he wanted to remain friends, and that he'd try to keep some stuff we normally did together the same. But nothings the same anymore. He feels awkward about everything and i feel like i've lost everything we've ever had together and its literally all i ever think about. I feel like he's lost, but he avoids the subject and he just says we're never getting back together. He always gives me different reasons for breaking up with me, and i just dont understand. Maybe i'm just in denial but i feel like theres a piece of him that still loves me and i just wished he'd give me another chance, we were happy. I truly love him more than anyone and i refuse to give up.