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June 01, 2010 @ (somewhere in hell )

Tags: My story lol is one undeserved nightmare

last night he lied to me stayed out all night cause no curfew n the night it was changed he rather hang out with local lowermainland surrey hookers and he ignored me he truly is a peice of shit he was always mean to me cheated on me lets guys take advantage of me tell them that i think hes my bf n so ive had some creepy creepers pull their gross baby dicks n say its ok n what MY ex bf said about being with other girls and how he hangs out with them all the time but theyre all nasty n sell themselves thats low and gross and i dont do that lifestyle he scams ppl n lies to his mom n steals from her and i paid for this month then im gone but its not that sad i guess its all for the best its over alanna ive had a bad life n alot of pain n he knew it all he doesnt remeber anything about me or us or anythin,its hard to explain how bad i let this shit continue on its kinda sad but its sad that he wants to be with that lol its funny as well lol cause im really good lookin ive tried alot of things and i knew it wasnt me and he couldnt say the truth i mean if u dont wanna be w./someone u say it n ur done but hes hateful and im warnin u girls about him hell probly lie and tell u fake info about his name n shiz or drug u up so he make mula postin pics n lettin ppl watch him fuck nasty hookers w two more old men who are junkys and trash n have hores all the time like non stop im single now and i dont wanna go out with anyone i jus wanna be me lol n honestly he can kiss my sexy ass goodbye hes borin in bed fucks like a retard
this has been hard i broke up with him cause he came to me cryin cause he got awwwwwested n had to stay clean in jail for two days lol so i deleted my email from his account cause he wanted me to change his pw and i saw his gfs emails other lady friends like fuck u he thinks im stupid ...but i sent him an email or two n it wasnt bad its jus get the hell away from me buddday seriously were on a different levels and hell never change



May 18, 2010 @ (Michigan)

Tags: break up, cheating, lies, sad, heart broken, broken, depressed

In December of 2009, I started dating this guy. I was really in love with him, and I thought he loved me, too. At the end of the month, I found out he'd been cheating on me with some girl he met online. I decided to give him another chance because he had begged me, and I loved him. So, he tells me he's still cheating, and that he's sorry. I know it's stupid of me, but I gave him ANOTHER chance.

In March, right before my spring break, he tells me that he doesn't love me anymore and that I'm taking all his friends out of his life. I only said I was jealous because he was sleeping in the same bed as his ex girl friend who has a crush on him. (They weren't having sex.) I asked him to stop over a text message and he texted back saying he didn't love me anymore and that he was speaking from his heart.

While I was on vacation over spring break, I met a guy on YouTube, and we exchanged AIMs. On the last day of my vacation, this guy tells me that he's really my ex boyfriend and that he really still loves me, but he doesn't want to get back together.

We stayed apart for a few days after I returned from my vacation, and then he asked me out again. I said yes, because... I have quite the weak spot for him. He promises he loves me and I'm sure he's not cheating anymore, but the fact that he put me through that makes me cry all the time.



April 27, 2010 @ (asia pacific)

Tags: bad breakup

This was 5 yrs ago, and now it doesn't hurt to talk about it so can write it down. Me and ex were together 8, nearly 9 years, married for 5, met at 19. Last few months we were together he was acting weird about his phone. There's this "guy" who seems to be always calling. So one day I took his phone, with his permission (told him I wanted to call up a friend), dialled the guy friend and found out it was a girl. Asked her what was up, she told me to give him up, else her heart would break, which I did, because she sounded like she was pregnant.

Packed my bags and left. And that was 5 years ago. I still see him from time to time when he comes by to pick up our son for the weekend. Found out later, they lasted only few months after our divorce came through.

Guys, remember you love your wife thats why you married her, so stay faithful...or you'll regret losing the one you love the most, so not worth it :))



April 13, 2010 @ (Calgary)

Tags: Liar....

So I am 21 now and I have known this guy since i was 15.. he was my first love... we dated and lived together for 2 years when my dad left and then he cheated on me with my friend... after 2 weeks I moved to the states and went to college. After being there for about a year i wanted to come back....
We ended up getting back together... even though I felt I shouldnt i loved him... all I could think about was him...
This time it seemed good... I moved back in with him... we were happy so I thought... he told me if he ever felt unhappy we would break things off...he said he would never do that to me again... that he could never hurt me cause he loved me so much... that I saved his life

So i go on a trip to Toronto for 10 days and the day after I left he was already out at the bar with some girl he used to say he hated and that she was a slut.... a couple mroe days in to my trip I found out he was sleeping with her that she thought he was her bf... he told her all the things he told me.. that they would go on trips together and travel....

When i got home i went there to get my stuff... he was crying said he wasnt going to be with her anymore... that he knew he messed up and it would be healthier if we were apart... he needed to find himself.

So I call the other night cause I left some things there and she picks up... says he loves her now that he doesnt love me and she hung up on me.

What kind of guy can move on so fast after 6 years? how could he let her hurt me? and of course LIE LIE LIE he says he wants to be alone but now hes with this girl? He says that he is only with her to get in her pants cause she looks like a porn star and i dont... and that he wants to marry me in 2 years.

WHAT kind of bullshit is that? I am so heartbroken and depressed when I know I deserve better... I just dont know how to stop being sad...



April 08, 2010 @ (Ohio)

Tags: Love cheat break up

Alright, so, I was going out with this kid for four months. I know, not very long, but I was really in love with this kid, and I still am to this day. So it was the third time we were going out, and we'd been going out for a month when we took things one step further in our relationship. A week later, he breaks up with me saying he needs a break. So I go to the mall the next week and his friend who I met up with decides to tell me that him and my best friend kissed. Next thing I know, I'm finding out they did more than kissed. Meanwhile, he was telling me he still loves me and stuff, but now I know he doesn't mean it. So I started crying in the middle of the mall. Unfortunately, I still love him to this day, which is about seven months later, and I'm still his friend.


Broken Hearted

March 14, 2010 @ (California)

Tags: Craigslist, cheating

I was with my boyfriend for a year when one morning I wake up and check my e-mail to find his ex had emailed me. She lives in France now and we are here in the states. The e-mail stated that they had been exchanging e-mails for 6 months and that they were going to get together the next time she was here (which was the week I got the email). She also says that he still loves her and wants to be with her. I confronted him and he acted very confused by the whole situation. He still proclaims that he never spoke with her while we were together. Anyways, this led me to not trust him so I started lurking on his e-mail where I find that he has been replying to casual encounters on craigslist and even posted a No strings attached ad. I confronted him with this and he said it was because he got bored one night and was just messing with the people on craigslist. I tried for 4 months to get over everything that happened. My gut told me he was lying, but he is a great guy and I love him so much. This morning I woke up to find pictures of some ugly fat girl in his email and another response to a craigslist ad. I decided that I couldn't take it anymore so I got dressed and drove to his house. I sat outside debating whether or not to wake him up and break it off. Which I did. He cried and says he doesn't want to lose me. He still says that he didn't cheat on me and that he never talked to his ex, but I've never been the person to be so sad and depressed as I am now. I broke up with him today because I need to remember who I used to be before him. He was my first boyfriend and this is the exact reason why I stayed single for 20 years. He was an amazing boyfriend and I just don't understand why he did this to me or what I did to deserve this. I don't know where to go from here.



February 22, 2010 @ (GA)

Tags: wat!

First off I am not a nutcase,yes I can write fuck and I didn't write it because the word because that's how I texted it too him and this was not the first time he ignored me like that for your info I wouldn't answer for the whole day and then call me the next day when I was sleep ok and I might be clingy but he actually told me he wants me to cling to him when I told him I would stop being clingy and you know what I am younger than him but so what he's about 7yrs older than me. Here's an update on that he called me and said that he was mad at me for sayin fuck you and he didn't want to speak to me and he said he doesn't want us to have a love/hate kind of breakup because he loves me and cares about me



February 21, 2010 @ (GA)

Tags: recent

My first love,boyfriend and everything(well not everything) broke up with over a text I sent him or so he says. We were together for about 6 months and I felt like everything was fine,we had an occasional disagreement and we broke up a couple of time for like a couple of hours but all in all I thought we were ok was and still am in love with him he told said he loved me and everything was good so I thought. I started noticing he would ignore my calls a lot and when I asked him why he would be like (the next day) he was busy and he didn't want to tell me that because he felt like it would hurt my feelings which I thought did't make any sense. So one day when he was ignoring my calls he finally answered and he sounded like he was just having a good time hanging out so I was mad and I asked "why your not answering me " he replied "I'm on the phone now right" so right there that made me mad. So because I was mad I hung up on him and then I felt bad for doing that so I tried to call him again and of course no answer so I started to text him and he texts back I'm doing homework so I text back (mind you I was mad) that he's a liar and f.u (you know what that spells. So the next day he doesn't answer me or call me all day and when he finally does he says I broke up with him because of what I text him and I'm like I was just mad and I'm sorry but he doesn't want to hear that. I think he was just trying to make an excuse to break up with me what do you think?



February 13, 2010 @ (SC)

Tags: drinking, texting

So here is our story. We met on a dating website. After meeting him and a few others, I realized he was absolutely normal and just looking for what I was looking for. Anyway, after a month or so, we began dating officially, and he always said stuff like "You're the best," "I definitely want this to be the real deal," etc. Buttttt, eventually after like 3 months, he confessed his previous break ups were screwing him up and he no longer wanted to be with me. When this happened, he was drunk. I went to his place to discuss this stuff that happened and what all he said to me to find out he was completely trashed and didn't know why he said that stuff to me. I told him that was his last chance. We were going strong so I moved in right after Christmas. It was absolutely amazing...until last night. He had his first bottle of Jim Beam in three weeks so he definitely got drunk. After three drinks, he was drunk (which isn't normal for him). His guy friend came over to play beer pong so I had my girl friend come over. She had to go home and then the crap started. He sent me a text (by the way, he was on drink 7 or 8 by now) that said "Idk if we should be together." I'm not much of a drinker. I don't like to lose control of myself. So, I took the text and went to the bedroom. He continued to drink. I told him to get in there and say stuff to me and not through texts. Of course he wouldn't so I told him that I love him and that I know I am good for him and his son. He said "Youre a great girl yeah but I can live without you sorry." Immediately, I packed a bag and left. I don't know why in the world he pulled this stuff, but I am going to move out. He apparently doesn't want to work this out.



February 12, 2010 @ (US)

Tags: Love? Lust? Lonely?

Well me and this girl were dating for 6 months...She was my first love, I can still honestly say I never met anyone like her...She is really something, Which makes her so special..But sadly I am not the only one who notices those traits. I was in love, We would talk for hours on the phone I would write poems and say the most romantic things I could think of. Things were almost perfect the only problem was that we couldn't see each other as often as we liked. I hated it, and when she told her mother that we were dating....She didn't approve. I was younger and in her book....That's bad. One night she calls me crying her eyes out that she needs time alone ( Her and her mom got in a fist fight and got a black eye out of it ) She said she needs to deal with her problems and needs to break up with me. I was crushed....But I understood and said I would wait for her.
After the break up there were rumors going about that she was cheating on me and that was the real reason she broke up with me....This was coming from my closest friends and there would be no reason for them to lie to me. I believed them. ( Very Bad Choice ). I told her that I don't want to speak to her and to not talk to me, think of me or anything. I hated myself for what I did to her. Days later I called her and she made it clear that the rumors were started by her ex-boyfriend who just wanted to piss her off. It sadly worked and got me into deep trouble. (Oh by the way the day I told her...was on her birthday...yeah..I know..)
I felt like such an idiot. For weeks I tried to do everything in my power for her to forgive me. A few times she said that she doesn't feel the same way anymore for what has happened. (I don't blame her). After a while we start getting the spark back and begin to show feeling again. I still wanted her ever so much and I was waited for the right moment to ask her out again, It was Christmas time and I had a necklace in a box and underneath that box was a letter and a ring, asking her to be mine once more.
I call her to let her know I'm coming over, She starts acting strange and I ask her whats wrong. She tells me that she's not sure If she wants to be with me, "I didn't do anything wrong did I?" I ask her and she say no...But If she really did love me she wouldn't care what her Mom says.
Scared and worried that Ive lost my only chance to have her back I go over the following day with the present and flowers. I get there and she refuses to take the gifts. For fear that she doesn't feel anything for me anymore. We have a long talk and she concludes that the only reason that she wanted me was to pretty much F.... ME!. I refused to believe that fact I doubt that every "I Love You" she ever said to me was to have me in bed... After a long talk I ask her to look at me In the eye and tell me..."You Don't Love Me" she hesitates and finally says it. "I Don't Love You" ...I had nothing left to say...I give her my present and leave.
Weeks pass by and she calls me to say "Sorry, she only said those things because she doesn't want to get attached to me, and doesn't want a boyfriend." I forgive her and say that she could have just said that in the beginning. After a week I notice...Shes flirting with other guys and I see it kind of odd.
I confront her about It and ask If shes ever lied to me...She says that shes not with anyone ...BUT she is starting to like another guy. She starts to cry and tells me that shes truly sorry. I love this girl and there is nothing I can't forgive her for. and so I forgave her and let her know how special she really is to me. The following day, Merely hours before me and her finally get into a good start. The guy she likes starts calling her his girlfriend, and saying how much she means to him.
I didn't know what else to do...I confronted her about it for the last time and she says that she didn't know anything about him calling her his girlfriend. But she is kind of happy that he does indeed call her his girlfriend. The last thing I tell her..Is "I love you...Take Care"

I hope shes okay.