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October 13, 2009 @ (Toronto)

Tags: valentines day

I once broke up with a girl the day before Valentine's Day and promised myself I wouldn't do it again. Two years later I broke up with a girl the day of Valentine's Day. At the time it was no big deal but after reading a bunch of stories on here I realized I had a pretty surreal experience.



October 13, 2009 @ (California)

Tags: cheating, whore

I was dating a girl for about 3 years, and one night we go out to a fantastic bar with a poker buddy of mine whom I had known for about 2 years. Being young and at a bar, we get totally shitfaced, and head back to the hotel (too far to take a cab home). After continuing to drink for another couple of hours, I discover that the insides of my stomach have decided to make a break for it, and that I need to lie down and pass out.

I wake up 30 minutes later to breath on my ear and the sound of moans. It seems my girl is on the bed behind me (bonus, there are 2 beds in the room), and my "friend" is behind her, with one hand down her pants and one hand up her shirt. I decide to wait a bit, to see where this is going (and to prevent excuses later). After about 15 minutes, I hear whispering, which I can only assume is something like "Let's move to the other bed so we can fuck without waking him". At this point I alert them to the fact that I am awake and have been for some time, that they're both dead to me, I'm moving to Vegas the next day, and then I get dressed to catch the aforementioned cab (the one that was too expensive).

She starts crying, and this guy, this...unbelievable asshole, starts trying to play the mediator, "She's a good girl, she doesn't deserve this" and the like. I tell him to shut his fucking mouth, and proceed to walk to the elevator. He chooses to physically bar my way, and even grabs me by the arm to prevent me from leaving. I calmly inform him that if he doesn't let me go, I'm going to knock him the fuck out. He doesn't take me seriously. Now...I'm not a violent guy...but looking at the expression of "come on guy" on this bastards face snapped something in me, and I dropped him like the sack of shit he is and leave.

The thing about this that really irked me is this:
Really? REALLY? You're going to wait until I'm sick with liquor, and THEN betray me at my weakest? Contemptible.

Vegas is nice.




October 13, 2009 @ (Somewhere)

Tags: tag1 tag2??

So I've been reading these posts and felt compelled to share a story that happend to me about 5 years ago. I started dating this girl who seemed pretty until a little over a month into the relationship. All of a sudden she became very anti-social. If we were out with friends she rarely spoke and would just sit there. If we stayed in she rarley engaged in conversation with me. It was getting annoying. Anyway, one day we were driving to another city to visit some friends about 2 hrs away and as normal she was being really quiet no matter my efforts. Since I was bored I decided to put in a Bob Dylan cd I had. After about 10 mins she finally talks and bitches "God this stuff is sooo boring, can't we listen to something else?" I realized right then and there that there were other fish in the sea. Without saying a word I turned around at the next overpass and drove back to her house. She asked me a few times what I was doing but didn't say a word til we got to her house. I told her to get out and not to call me again.



October 13, 2009 @ (texas)

Tags: drunk

So I recently split up with this girl I really liked because she had some baggage and questioned my partying but she did finally take care of her issues. After texting back and forth for hours(I work all over the country) things seem ok then she ends the conversation with "well I'm glad things are better, I better get back to my house and sober up." It was 1pm



October 13, 2009 @ (UK)

Tags: cheating, christian

So I was with this nice young christian girl for nearly 2 years in total. First few months were fine, we got along really well and quickly got pretty serious. Then I had to go back to uni (my final year), but it was only an hour down the road so it hardly counted as long distance. We kept it going for that year, then had an amazing summer once I'd graduated.

Then she went off to the same uni that I'd just graduated from, so since it was still only an hour down the road, we figured we'd done that distance before so we could do it again.

A couple of months in, I get a call from her in tears saying she'd got really drunk and made out with one of her close friends up there. I liked her a lot and she was clearly quite cut up about this, so I said we'd work past it. I asked my best friend (who was still at that uni on a four year course) what I should do. He gave some good advice and I ended up speaking softly to her friend asking him not to make her choose between us because he'd lose and their friendship was special. My best mate also said he'd look after her from that point.

A couple of months later I find out that both of those two guys had basically been taking turns with my girlfriend for ages behind my back!!

The lesson here is that long distance is hard, and rarely works out. And that sweet innocent christian girls usually ain't!



October 13, 2009 @ (Norcal)

Tags: left

So me and my ex had met at college, and continued our relationship after. She even moved out to the westcoast to live with me, however 2 months later she says she doesn't feel right being there and what's to go back to her hometown in the midwest. She goes, she's there for a week and tells me it's over. So we stop talking, and she starts caling me again 3 months later, says she wants me to come see her and still loves me, I still have feelings for her so I go. I'm there for 2 days, and she tells me she doesn't love me anymore, and I should leave. So I say I'll get a hotel, cuz my flight doesn't leave for 4 more days, she says no cuz she's worried we'd have sex again(wtf). So I change my flight to the next day for $100 and ask her to take me to the airport, which is 2 hrs away, she says no but she'll take me to the greyhound that night and it goes to the city the airport is in, mind you my flight leaves at 12pm and I'll get to the city at 11pm the night before.. So that's what happened, me in the middle of nowhere, in a city I don't know, heartbroken.



October 13, 2009 @ (Rhode Island)

Tags: cheating, bullshit

I was dating this kid for 2 years. Chances are he'll read this, but I don't really give a damn. He cheated on me 6 months into the relationship, I found out thanks to his best friend. He continued to cheat on me, and we broke up 4 months after that to get back together 4 months later. A year after that he started hiding things again, seeing girls behind my back, and got back into this MMO and talking to "girls", verses talking to me or spending time with me. I broke up with him, again. He started dating his ex, but still seeing me (I didn't know, until 2 months later). I confronted him at work, probably almost got him fired, and told his (now ex, again) girlfriend. The next morning I left his shit outside his house.



October 13, 2009 @ (Boston)

Tags: Online whale

I started an online relationship with this women from Canada. After several months of talking online and on the phone she suggested we meet and arranged for me to come visit her. She paid my whole way there. When I finally got there I discovered she had greatly exaggerated her appearance(by a good 100lbs) and that she lived with her family in a small apartment. After suffering threw sex with the whale for a week(with her creepy brother listening in) I finally got out of there and home trying to figure out how to break this off. 1 week later she gave me the perfect out, a ridiculous ultimatum. There is this game I like to play that she doesn't, she thought I was addicted and told me "It's me or the game" I happily said the game and cut off all ties with her



October 13, 2009 @ (Maryland)

Tags: facebook, internet

So I had this bitch of a girlfriend back in college, but I, being an easy going type of guy, always made excuses for her and we stayed together much longer than we should have. Anyway, we had decided to go see a concert one weekend. Now the Monday before the concert a friend of mine, who had been battling cancer for 3 years, passed away. The funeral was scheduled the day of the concert so I called my gf to explain that I can no longer go. She gets furious about how she already bought the tickets and it is to late to return them. The coup de grâce, however, was when she coldly stated "I don't see why his funeral is so important, you weren't even friends on Facebook." I dumped her there and then on the phone. Now the night before the concert she calls me again, asking me when I'll be there tomorrow for the concert. Confused, I repeated that our relationship was over and I wasn't coming. She, however, thought I was joking. To help her understand, I told her to log onto Facebook (something I rarely do) and I changed our relationship status right in front of her, saying "well it's on Facebook now so it must be true" and hung up.



October 13, 2009 @ (San Antonio, at the time)

Tags: example1

i come home from work and take a nap. me and my wife just had a baby so i was wrecked. i wake up from my nap to go into the living room to see my wife butt ass naked on cam. on the pc screen i see some dudes dick on cam. i guess they knew how to party. i look down and the baby was sleeping up next to her just out of cam range. she giggles and i say fuck this shit and leave to the bar with friends. i come home and ask her if she was all taken care of or something sarcastic like that. she tells me the baby wasnt mine (the baby was the only reason i married her) and that she was cheating on me (i figured that much). we split up that night. fuck that shit right? a few months later i get a letter from the state wanting me to pay child support. because of this i will never get married again. just not worth it.