Searching for "pheoeb"

1 Results For 'pheoeb'


August 25, 2012 @ (Australia)

Tags: sarsha , pheoeb

well this is how the story goes... years ago i feel in love with a girl in high school, i was in love with her since she was my first ever girlfriend. About 2 months into going out she left me ,without a reason and 2 weeks later she was dating another guy( who ended up cheating on her). i was soo upset but soon after i found a girl that was completely perfect. we ended up dating for 2 years but then one day she turned around and told me she didnt love me no more...and as much as i fought for her back and tried my hardest i ended up losing her... i found it really weird that she couldn't really give me a reason for breaking up for me , but turned out she was in contact and flirting with the guy that took my first girlfriend, and its pretty clear i lost he girl of my dreams to the same guy !:,(