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March 05, 2016 @ (school)

Tags: bad breakup

Ok before I start let me just say that the name i use for this person is his role play name not his real one.

We started dating around the secound week of September. We had a little fight about something so after school i texted him and was like:
"What did I do?!" and sky texted back:
"Look i really like you and i was trying to figure out how to tell you...I didn't mean for it to go like this"
The next day i met up with him to talk about it and from there we got together.
5 months later we were in a full on relationship. Everyone thought that we will be together for a long time and me and Sky even said that we are an amazing couple.The day right before our breakup we were talking about our future and how we are gonna be together. The next day he was mad or confused about something so i asked him about it. Turns out he was in love with another girl that he found online. I broke up with hurt so badly to let him watch him walk away. I still cry to this day. I just hope that girl that he fell in love with...can love him as much as i did.


First Love Hearttorn

March 18, 2016 @ (Canada )

Tags: ironic breakup

I had a guy bestfriend with whom I fell in love; so much as I've never loved anyone before...He confessed he loved me more than a friend as a "closure" after a month of me breaking up with him. The reasons for our breakup is still valid, so I can't be with someone I'm still deeply in love with.



March 09, 2016 @ (NYC)

Tags: Bad Break up, Dominican Moms, Black Girl Problems, Caribbean roots, NYC, Harlem,

I met him while browsing through people I may know on FB. I was 20 he was 19. His name was P. Sounds weird but we began dating before we even met in person 5 months later.
It was love at first sight literally...I've heard this saying and felt it was so corny and not possible BUT i'm a believer.
We both were struggling with our personal lives at the time of meeting so we filled those gaps which made us love even harder. Eventually, things started to decline. When it came to being emotionally supportive for me, and financial cracks he would always disappear. Perhaps after putting in 3 years I thought things would get better but they didn't. It didn't help that his mom was an older Dominican women. She hated that I was black, she hated everything about me. Over time things took its tole.
I recently decided to break things off finally a few days ago and throw in the towel. Not because I wanted to but because I felt I had to. I was physically attacked by his mom and assaulted while he stood near by and did nothing. With a huge open cut on my face, blood and all strangers bypassing were more concerned than he seemed.
The police got involved and he wasn't by my side and it was here when I realized. The person I met 3-4 years ago was not the person I'm with now.
I'll be the first to admit upbringing, infidelity, and insecurities drove this relationship to the ground. It's only been 3 days of feeling alone and empty out of the 3 and half year I was with him. He left me alone and in debt. Not even enough money for me to feed our cat that we got together. Its depressing but I plan on remaining strong.
Not to mention he treated me this way and I'm 2 and half months pregnant. I never understood how men could plant their seeds and not even feed the mouth of the women who carry their seeds. Im going to be strong and will raise this baby alone. He or she will be my new happiness. It break my hear that by law I can't just up and leave and at any point if he wanted to be involved he'd have every right to. Even though he doesn't deserve it. But this is life and the society we live it. So I'll just pray.



March 07, 2016 @ (New York)

Tags: Bad breakup

Where do I begin....I met the love of my life July of 2007, we were 17. I must admit it wasn't love at first site. We began to text and talk everyday, and 6 months later I was falling in love with my best friend. We were from two different worlds- I'm Argentinian



March 06, 2016 @ (Lebanon)

Tags: I don\'t really know...

Loving her was like driving a new maserati down a dead end street. Faster than the wind, passionate as sin ending so suddenly. I'm quoting Red, a love song by Taylor Swift because that's what I've been doing for the past 6 weeks. Listening to stupid love songs. I don't know how to start. I'd be lying if I said she was my everything. She was beyond that. I will never forget her impact on my life. She gave up on me. After 5 years of love. It sucks letting your soulmate go and not being able to do anything about it because she gave up. I will never find love again. Don't do that mistake guys, don't let the relationship reach the point of no return. You will regret it.



March 02, 2016 @ (DC)

Tags: sad

Wow.... were do i start . Me and him had a long thing me and have broken up at least 6 times. I dont know if me going back and still making me love him makes me dumb or the defenition on ride or die. Right now we are not dating. Cause these 2 bitches have drama with me and he dosent wanna be inna middle of it . It hurts me like crazy when he broke up with me i cried like never before. Why he leave me in difucult time ughhhh im crying rn



March 01, 2016 @ (USA)

Tags: Bad breakup

We were together for 4 years .. Everything was great. Till his friend came along and he changed for the worst. All in a month. He's clearly lost now. I found out he cheated because the girl posted on his Facebook. If he can't let you see his phone he's cheating... If he can't let people know you're together he's cheating .. If he gets disrespectful he's cheating... If you break down and cry and he has no emotion he's cheating. My gut told me all of that but I didn't want to accept it. The day before I found out he wiped my tears away and told me we'd be ok. Didn't text or talk to me at all that night. Then I wake up to the post on Facebook. It hurts but it's important to realize that was his choice and it clearly wasn't meant to be.



January 31, 2016 @ (Indiana)

Tags: bad breakup

My now ex boyfriend of eight months has depression and is going through a lot with school/work and is stressed a lot. He doesn't seem to have good coping skills (he admits it) and things build up and he runs away. We'd been fighting a lot off and on (not terrible fights, but they were every couple days). Yesterday he went over to a friend's house and was supposed to come home around 1 or 2 am. He texted me saying that he'd had too many beers and was just going to crash there and would be home around noon. We were supposed to go out today and have a nice dinner and have fun (he was still saying he wanted to go right before he went to bed at his friend's). Well he gets home at noon, comes in and puts my dog in the kennel and tells me that he brought the guys over to meet me (he'd tried to introduce me before but the timing wasn't right). So they come in and I walk out and immediately something seems weird. None of them are looking at me and I say, "Hi!" but no one answers and I notice boxes. My boyfriend then says, "These are my best friends... I've known these guys for years and they're my rock." He paused and then said, "And the reason we have all of these boxes here is because you're out of here.. we're done. This is done." I was completely shocked and couldn't understand what was happening. I asked him to talk in private and at first he resisted, but then agreed. We went into the bedroom and he literally set a timer of 5 minutes. We talked and he says he has too much going on, we're too different and that in general, he's not happy with us and isn't in the place to be in a relationship right now. He claims it's not me but "us".
He says he's happy sometimes but not as much as he should be and that he brought his friends because he knows he'd not stay strong about breaking up otherwise. Here's the part where it starts getting weird: he filmed us with his friend's phone when we were talking in private to show that things had ended "amicably".


Sedece Sen

January 31, 2016 @ (turkey)

Tags: bad breakup

well i loved this guy...we had our future planned...i was on top of the world...we were perfect...i could live everything just to be with him...he was my day he just stopped being so close....he travelled to his country n came back a different person....after a few weeks i found out he had a girlfriend from his country n they are to get arried this hurts so all we do is fight...i am stupid enough to let him come to my house when he is lonely...he loves that girl i can see it in his hurts not to be good enough for someone n they dont even try to make you feel any better...



January 17, 2016 @ (Manila)

Tags: Breakup

Me and my ex boyfriend were living together for almost 2 years when we broke up. The unforgetable date was December 29, 2015. He said he wanted to prioritize his family, friends and his self. He said he's tired with everything. I wasn't expecting that to happened. We were so happy last Christmas that's why I was really shocked. My heart was in bad shape after that. I tried to accept it and tried to think all of the bad things we had in the relationship but in the end everything went down. I couldn't focus at work, he said he won't go back to the apartment if i'm still there. Everything seems to be falling apart. He went home December 31 to get some clothes and I did take that chance to begged....begged...begged... but all he said was "no". I don't know what to do, I planned everything with him on it. I don't understand why it was so easy for him to let me go. For him to dumped me.. I gave my best and all in that relationship. I prioritized him in everything.. I tried to be okay for about 2 weeks when he started texting and I did reply because I missed him. We talked after 2 weeks and he said he wanted to give our relationship a chance but that chance did not last for a day. He texted me that night and all he said was "sorry". I was so hurt and hopeless again. I asked him to give me a week but he said "no" again. He agreed to have a dinner the next day where I ended begging for his love. I told him that I'm not expecting anything for him and asked him to give me 1 week to stay but he said "no". He said he wanted to go home and again I begged for him to accept me even just for a night and finally I heard the word "yes". That whole night was so painful, I just cried the whole night because he made me feel that I'm not there. Pain was higher that the love that I have. I prayed for more strength, I prayed that no one will also feel the pain that I have..