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157 Results For 'done'


December 27, 2016 @ (indiana)

Tags: #dontmesswithme

I'm 17 years old and me and my boyfriend shave been together for 4 years and i had a friend named Stephanie and we knew each other because we are on the same swimming team ,and she one day wanted o come with me and Luke to Panera bread and Luke said he was fine with it and while we were eating i said i needed to use the bathroom so on my way back from the bathroom i saw this lady coming towards me and she said aww, isn't that two cute i said that's my boyfriend ,that bitch!! so i pulled out my phone and i took picture of them , so when we dropped her of at home we were gonna go to Luke's house to watch a movie so i asked him do you love me, he said yes i would never cheat on you so fast forward 4 months i had a swim meet and he showed up and when i was changing into my uniform i caught them making out, i was like ,that slut she was like my best friend ,so after the swim meet he takes my out the gate and we sit on bench and puts his hand on my lap , and says i think we should see other people. i was like the fuck you mean, so then i was like ,you wanna see other people? and he was like your so cool with it , and then was like ya its all good and the next day i went to the wig shop and got my self a red ass Afro, and i went out and got the longest sharpest fake acrylic nails and i got my makeup done and put on this red ass lip stick and put these high ass heals on, went to his house, so when he opened the door and i said here is your new bitch, and he said what you mean, and i said that you said you wanted to see new people so you thought your ass was leaving , and the next day i went up to Stephanie and i punch that bitch so hard she flew into a pool and i was like so you were kissing all up on my man? and then she was like ya, what are you gonna do about it? And then i said wait till tonight and you'll see, so i went home and grabbed all Luke's stuff threw it in Stephanie's yard , grabbed some gasoline , lit that shit the fuck up, grabbed a rock, threw it at her window and a piece of paper and wrote here's all that bitches shit so the i got in the car ,took a picture , sent it to Luke and said i'm the badest bitch alive and don't you ever underestimate me.


Clare Bartlett

December 25, 2016 @ (CALIFONIA)

Tags: I\'m so excited share this testimony here about how i got my ex husband back after a break up WITH THE HELP OF Dr AHMED UTIMATE

Hi everyone!
I'm so excited share this testimony here about how i got my ex husband back after a break up. I'm Clara 28 yr old from Califonia USA, Am a woman who love and cherish my husband more than any other thing you can imagine on earth continent. My husband was so lovely and caring after 3years of marriage he was seriously ill and the doctor confirm and said he has a kidney infection that he needed a kidney donor, that was how I start searching for who can help, doctor has given me a periodic hour that he will live just 25hours left, that was how I ask the doctor if I can be of help to my husband that was how he carried out the text, the confirming was successful, I was now having this taught that since 3 years now we got married I have not be able to get pregnant can I be able to get bring again? That was the question I ask the doctor, he never answer his response was did you want to lost your husband? I immediately reply no I can't afford to lose him. After the operation my husband came back to live and was healthy I was also ok with the instruction given to me by the doctor, after 3months my husband came home with another lady telling me, that is our new wife that will give us kids and takecare of us, that was how I was confused and started crying all day, that was how my husband ran away with his new wife clearable. Since then I was confuse don't know what to do that was how I went back to the doctor and tell him everything, he told me that, this is not just an ordinary it must be a spiritual problem that was how he gave me this Email: that I should tell he all my problem that he can help that was how i contacted he and I do as instructed. After 28hours and I have done what he ask me to do, my husband start searching for me and went back to the doctor, that was how we well settle he also told me not to worry that I will get pregnant, this month making it the fifth Month I contacted he am now 3months pregnant. These great spell cater is a great man, if you have any kind of problem you can contact him here on his email: or call him 2348160153829


The Unstable Entrepenour

December 21, 2016 @ (United States)

Tags: Bad Breakup

I remember that it hurt. Hearing the words hurt - and at the same time, it felt like something out of a movie, like it wasn't happening. After all, how could it? It had been merely a week since our second anniversary, and as an anniversary gift she had given me a card that said, "I promise to be with you for all the years to come."
I couldn't even begin to process it. "How do you feel," she asks me, trying to decipher my off smile and my wondering eyes. I only smile because I don't know what to say, what to feel. I don't fight it, I merely say all-right, shed a couple tears, and drop her off at her house. It took me a couple days for my emotions to catch up with me - and oh boy, did they come in force. Like a thousand crashing waves, every single negative emotion in the book comes, all at once, all clamoring for my attention in a sea of deprecating voices: "you weren't enough," "she got tired of you," "you aren't good enough for anyone" ; and as I struggle to get them in check, I was still left wondering: why exactly did it happen?
I never got a straight answer to that question; at least, none that I understood. She mentioned that she wanted to try being with a girl (she's bi, but not in practice yet), that I had been insensitive about one fight that we had more than a year ago, that I was too unstable in my life for her to think about settling down with me. "If my ex had asked me to move in with him, I would've done it in an instant" she said. Surprisingly enough, her life wasn't in any way better than mine: a education major working as a cashier at one of the lowest paying grocery shops in the area, with no car telling me, a computer engineering major with a car, and a delivery job earning 2.5x more per hour as her.
While I could see how she was right, since I had been thinking about dropping out of school, and I had changed my major more than three times in the last six months, I just didn't understand why that was an issue now, all of a sudden. The only answer I can come up with is that perhaps the spark, that magical, elusive feeling that binds people together just died over time for her, while mine grew stronger and stronger. While she was thinking about how to break the news to me, I was thinking what would be the best date to travel to Disneyland with her, since she had told me not too long before, that she'd like me to propose to her at the Cinderella Castle.
I write this now, two months later, even thought it feels like a lifetime ago. My speculating and unstableness paid off after all; because I was willing to take risks, I dropped out of school, and started working in Real Estate. In the first month, I rose from Intern to District Manager at a local firm, and when some shady situations came to light regarding the owners, I left the firm, and opened my own. I'm earning four times what I was before, and it'll only grow from here. Even so, I still look back and wonder what could've been. When she ended things, it felt like someone had taken a hammer to the glass sculpture that was my future with her; and even though I'm not crying over it anymore, I have yet to pick up the pieces, and start again.



December 16, 2016 @ (UK)

Tags: bad break up, I still like her

Right,so we dated for slightly over 4 months(short time,I know) but never the less I still extremely loved her,and still do.Our relationship gave no signs of falling apart,at least not any that I could see.We were your typical teenagers in love.Always by each others sides.Holding hand.Constantly texting each other. Every time I spent time with her,I was able to forget all my worries and I finally understood what that cliche about love meant.Everything just seemed so perfect.I loved her and she loved me,but things began going wrong.Because of me.All because of me I lost the one person that really made me feel alive.Made me feel like there was a point to waking up in the morning.Let's call her CC.CC was very easily jealous over my female best friend R.I have a long history with R.R always seemed to support me emotionally and never really gave any inclination that she was romantically attracted to me.Further more,me and R were and still are physically close.Whilst dating CC I would hold hands with R which would clearly upset CC.And me,being the douche i am,never done anything about it.I continued treating CC like second place and never giving her the love she deserved.On a side note,me and R(my female best friend) never done anything except holding hands and hugging,I did most certainly not cheat on CC.Fast forward a couple months,and we would avoid each other and act as if we were almost strangers. Every time we accidentally came in contact with each other we both acted as if we were being branded with a hot rod of iron.This continued for a week until we had an argument over text.Both of us were being passive aggressive but i was obviously the one who started the whole argument.And then we decided to take a break from each other. For a week we still texted.Not much seemed to have changed except our texts seemed so much more wary and cautious.Then on top of that,DD lets call them that ,texted me saying i was being bordeline mentally abusive to CC and that i was manipulative in the relationship.DD was very close to my CC.Anyway lets leave all that out and skip to the juicy bits you all want to hear.2 weeks after our break,she stops texting me entirely.Stops talking to me and avoids me. Doesn't even make eye contact from me.Then on the day we would have had our 5 month anniversary,I see her with hickeys on her neck from DD.CC has stopped caring about me entirely that's for sure...I still think about her.I still love her.I start crying whenever i think back onto memories I have shared with her.How warm her embrace felt.How her hand felt against mine.How I just enjoyed being in her company,just lying down and staring at her in silence. Savouring ever second I got to spend time with her.I have to let go now.I'm finding it hard to.Her.Her.Her.It's a chant inside my head and my heart.I love her and I hate what it does to me.


David Pheng

October 10, 2016 @ (Cambodia)

Tags: Heartbroken Breakup

A month ago, I was deeply in love with this sweet tough guy whom I nicknamed him "Blueberry". The relationship we had was like an electromagnetic force turned into flames and sparks, although sadly it only lasted for a month. It all started in the late summer and ended in the early monsoon. It was the kind of love that was unexpected and overwhelming, and we had no idea why we ended up falling in love at first sight. Meh, you wouldn't believe me, right? Yup, I wouldn't believe myself, either.

I had always thought that the idea of being in love at first sight was "foolish" until it happened to me. He was brave enough to hold my hand, walking in the pouring rain and whispering to me that he'd never met someone like me before. At that blissful moment, I caught him looking and smiling at me dazzlingly, laughing like a little kid. Oh, you know what? His smile was infectious; his deep husky voice kept me interested in whatever he talked about; and his large and tall body kept me safe and warm. I knew he also liked me...and I was happy.

Time passes; feelings change; memories fade; people leave but hearts never forget. We broke up out of the blue. It hurt like hell when he told me he tried to make the relationship work but it didn't, because he made me fall so deep in love with him. It was the moment I knew I'd just lost a soulmate whom I could talk to for hours without any pretense, laughing at his jokes without acting like he was a funny guy (because he was one hell of a funny guy) and sharing secrets to each other. I felt like I'd lost someone more than a close friend, although we only spent a month together. We'd had plans to be done and promises to be made until we found out that we weren't meant to be together in the end.

I would be lying if I said that I was fine going through the breakup...but I guess, it was okay, because I kept reminding myself that all I've always wanted is for him to be happy even if I'm not the cause of his happiness. The combination of anger, guilt, and revenge built up inside me has finally subsided. I admit I was so mad and depressed, leaving him numerous messages and calls...because I wanted him to be there when my heart was broken and fire was burning inside me. I couldn't sleep and eat well for several weeks; I lost some pounds; I looked up "how to mend a broken heart" articles on the internet, yet they couldn't help much as my heart still wanted what it wanted, although my head tried to prevent me from going back to what'd shattered my heart into pieces. The funny thing was I even cried at work when he instantly popped up inside my mind.

Buried deep inside my head, his presence was still there. I saw the invisible him every where we used to go together. As much as I tried to erase him from my mind, I only kept hurting myself by doing so. It took like a month to get better from it. However I'm in the process of healing my heart and bringing back the old happy me, deep down inside I still miss him and wish him all the best. I love him. I still do. But I'm letting him go if that's what makes him happier. Thanks for all the memories which will be kept and locked forever in my heart.

Stephen King once said, "Some birds are not meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are too bright, their songs too sweet and wild. So you let them go, or when you open the cage to feed them they somehow fly out past you. And the part of you that knows it was wrong to imprison them in the first place rejoices, but still, the place where you live is that much more drab and empty for their departure."



October 07, 2016 @ (Selma AL)

Tags: Bad breakup

I liked this boy every since 4th grade. I dated him but didn't work out well. So we started again in a different grade. Only thing I was worried about was people knowing. I didn't like people knowing who I went with I ain't very popular. So I loved him so much he told me how much he loved me. He made poems. He called me babe. Everything I wanted until he got tired of lying to people. So some people started to know wasn't bad until they started to say it everyday. He got tired of lying so I was at the fair and we called each other. After the phone call this happened. "Do love our relationship" "Yes" "Then why are you hiding it" "Cause people are getting on my nerves" "We are done" "Ok I don't care". Inside I really did cared and loved him.



October 07, 2016 @ (Selma AL)

Tags: Bad breakup

I liked this boy every since 4th grade. I dated him but didn't work out well. So we started again in a different grade. Only thing I was worried about was people knowing. I didn't like people knowing who I went with I ain't very popular. So I loved him so much he told me how much he loved me. He made poems. He called me babe. Everything I wanted until he got tired of lying to people. So some people started to know wasn't bad until they started to say it everyday. He got tired of lying so I was at the fair and we called each other. After the phone call this happened. "Do love our relationship" "Yes" "Then why are you hiding it" "Cause people are getting on my nerves" "We are done" "Ok I don't care". Inside I really did cared and loved him.



October 21, 2016 @ (Canada)

Tags: Sad Truth, LDR, Bad Breakup

June 2015 I dated a girl I met online. We were friends for about a month first though. I've never felt this way for someone before. She lived in the United States and I am in Canada. I gave her everything I had. We were originally suppost to meet in March for spring break of 2016. But In Augest she broke up with me for like a day lol. And I broke up with her a little bit after that cause of my insecurities. We got back together and literally a month later we got back together saying all these happy things to do when we finally meet in March!....Until November.(this isn't the worst part). She told me that her parents and her were busy on spring break. I was still in school (year after grade 12) when she told me this. I of course broke down upset. But in a week I got over it. So about a month later around Christmas we talked about seeing each other for our anniversary in June. I was so excited! I bought us matching necklaces with our names and anniversary date printed on them and alot of great stuff! So In February I was getting to the point of booking my flight to see her! I kept asking her where I should go to stay that's closest to her and where we would meet. She seemed really hesitant telling me and she finally told me she needed to work out her band schedule before I book anything. So I waited for about 2-3 months and she said it would probably be easier to meet half way in July. I couldn't belive it. So I said what would your parents think about that? You're only 17 and I'm 18 almost 19. So this is the thing....she never told her parents or anyone about me there! She told me she would when we first met but still she never did. She finally told her mother about me when I convinced her enough. I was so scared. Before she told her she said "I love you babe" I was waiting around for 15 minutes to hear back from her or her mother. It felt like an hour. I open my snapchat and it's a message from her saying "hey Curt....I don't want you dating my 16year old daughter ANYMORE"at this point my heart sank. I begged for her to give me a chance but she just kept saying "ITS DONE" I know she didn't wanna be with me anymore for whatever reason. But she told her mother to break us up to make it easier on herself. She lied about her age too after a year of being together. I've never felt so betrayed in my life.



August 19, 2016 @ (Toronto )

Tags: Funny breakup

Got dumped like a shit donkey! I'm writing this at 4:30 am. She literally called me at 2 am to tell me she's done. At first I laughed my assoff cuz I thought it was like joke cuz I like to joke around people. We talked, realized it wasn't a joke. I go on to check on her ig and fb status, I'm blocked!
So her friend told me that she lost interest in our relationship in January and she has been hanging out with some karate kid for a long time. Can't bear this!



July 23, 2016 @ (Toronto)

Tags: Bad break up

Me and her had been dating for a year and 5 months and we had broken up 3 times before. Afte the last time she cried and hugged me said she was sorry for being a horrible person and breaking up with me when i needed her the most (my dad had commited suicide few months before) and she told me she would never let me go. Then a half year to a year later we had arguements every other day for a month, she kept lying to me i got fed up and yelled at her. She cried in school her das picked her up and told me never to see her. She just allowed him and we talked a bit she said theres no reason why we cant get back together. A day later i found out for the last week of our relationship till now shed been flirting with a dude from her summer school. Fucking whore thinks ill wait till he hurts her and then ill be a crying shoulder waiting for her. We both argued i said im done talking to you she said good block me while ur at it. Cold hearted whore could never tell the truth.